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amiami (stress on the [a])nsister, vocative for older sisterirmã mais velha, (vocativo)amitxëmy older sisteramihõyour older sisterpeamop-éhis older sister4., sister4.1.9Kinship
ami-pfxsister (older)irmã (mais velho)
amihaami-hami-ha (stress on the [i])sp. var. ofmihaMoved from Lexeme Form field
amimoweiamimo1Ana. Inf. Nom.act like a sister, to act like a sisteraɨgir como fosse uma irmãamitxa ami-mo-ɨacting like she was my sister
aminahaami-nahaamih-nahaadvlike that, same as that one, that's right!assim, ok, assim mesmoamih-naha wa tha-reido it like this.
amixiamiʃi-ideadj.Vthirsty, to be thirstypassar sede, ser sedentonape txa amixi.Mom, I'm thirsty.synamixi kua
amixi kuaadjto be thirstyter sedesynamixi
amixihenakamiʃi-henaknleaves of [amixi-hi] a cultivated plant by the medicine manfolhas de [amixi-hi] planta cultivada pelo pajéJusticia sp.
amkaikamkai amokaikənfood (generic), mostly is produce of the plantation or the forestcomida (genérico), normalmente é produto da roça ou da floresta
amkaikhipëaweiamkaik hipə-a-weiinf. nom.give food to eatdar comida para comer
amoaamoansing, chanting ritual songs during a feastcantar nas festas cantos rituaisamoasing (during feast)amoasing (during feast)amoamoɨsinging (love songs)amoamoweisinging (during feast)amoamoɨUnspec.amoamo-ɨamwamo-ɨ (Alb.)v ref.singing the love songsamoamoweiUnspec.amoa-mo-weiinf. nom.singing, to sing, to celebratehatxirɨɨ, komini amoamoweiLet's all party singing
amoamoɨamoamo-ɨamwamo-ɨ (Alb.)Unspec. ofamoa-mo12amoa
amoamoweiamoa-mo-weiUnspec. ofamoa-mo1wei1amoa
amoap thamoɨamoa-p tha-mo-ɨvtmaking amoa songs, self making amoa songsinprovisando cantos de amoa
amokamoko-ɨfr. var. ofamokëMoved from Lexeme Form field, and to match pronunciation in lexeme form, final o changed to ë
amok wiripopmaweiamok wiripo-p-ma-weinppride, arrogancesoberbia, arrogante, orgulho
amokëamok, amokəfr. var.amokinal. nounliverfígado (fala informal)piri amokëthe liver
amokhesikamok-hesikcfsimossimosiinal. nounstomachestômagopiri amok-hesikthe stomach2.1Body
amokhesikaamok-hesikainal. nounsolar plexusplexo solar
amoktxorɨamok-tʃorɨnpbelly ache, painful stomach achedores de barriga, fortes dores intestinaistxa amok txorɨ-ɨ.I have a stomach ache.
amothaamotha nAgouti Paca (rodent)paca (roedor)Cuniculus paca
amotoesiamoto-esinmaraja fruit sp.maraja-açu, fruta esp.1.5.5Parts of a plant
amotosiamotosinmaraja tree sp.maraja-açu, tucum-bravo. (árvore)1.5.1Tree
amxɨaamʃɨanfork of a branchforquilha (nos ramos das arvores)