Browse Ninam
anamarirao ana-mari-ra-o n fish sp. small fresh water fish piaba grande, peixe esp. Fish
anapanahi ana-pana-hi n tall tree with small edible fruits árvore alta com fruta pequena comestível 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
anapanak ana-pana-kɨ, anapanak n fruit, small edible, of the tall anapanahi tree fruta pequena comestível, da arvore anapanahi 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
aoiaimë aoiaimə, aoijaim n squash, pumpkin jerimum, abobora
aom aom, aomə n cock-of the rock, small saurá, anambé, pequeno galo-da-serra
aoma aom, aomə, aoma n cock of the rock sp. (generic) galo da serra (generico)
aomkoxi aom-koʃi n Guianan Toucanet Araçari-negro
aorasisi aora-sisi na palm tree sp. ubim, palmeira 1.5.1 Tree
apa apa n shallow round basket balaio, cesta redonda rasa
apasi apasi (old term) cf ãraha adj yellow (old term) amarelo
apathoknaxki apathok-naxki na flower of a vine sp. flor de cipó, esp.
apia apia n fruit of the star-apple tree abiu, fruta 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
apiahi apia-hi n star-apple tree, very tall tree abieiro, árvore muito alto 1.5.1 Tree
apiakë apiakə, apiak n fruits of the star-apple tree abio 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
apihi apihi, apih loc over there pra lá
apihin..rihe apihin...rihe because you wanted, reason for consequence porque você queria, motivo das consequências wii-wa-tihimo yarami pihin-wa-rihe wa amok nini yoma. because you wanted to eat a lot of fruit, your stomach got bad (sick).
apinak api-nak, api-nakə n fruits of the apinasi plants frutas das plantas apinasi 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
apinasi api-nasi n plants with thorns and nettles plantas com espinhos e urtigas Urticaceae or Solanaceae
apɨak apɨak n fruits of Patawa palm frutas da palmeira Patawa 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
araa 1 araa, ara?a iv be, to be on, to put on estar sobre, pôr sobre wiitihi rasi-ha ripro-sik araa. The book is on the table.
araa 2 araa, ara-a-ɨ sp. var. araaɨ deadj.V lay down, put down pousar Sapan tihik-rasi-ha karitasik araaɨ Sheba is landing the papers on the table
araaɨ sp. var. of araa 2 Moved from Lexeme Form field
araape ara?ape remain on top, place on top ficar em cima, por em cima poakë araape the axe stood on the.. (table)
araha araha?? adj twisted torcido (veja tambem [toroko])
arahao arahao, arahao pata n piranha (black, bigger than usual) piranha preta grande