Browse Ninam
araɨ ara vt lay out, spread out in the sun, (on the floor or on the roof) expor fora no sol, espalhar (no chão ou telhado) yãno-txam-hik ara-ma kɨren We spread the rafters in the sun.
arakari arakari n batfish pirá-andira (peixe) Fish
arakatxa arakatʃa n bush dog, wild cachorro do mato
aramawei ara-ma-wei inf. nom. put out, to spread out, lie on roof (causative) colocar algo para fora, espalhar, deitar no telhado ou no chão
aramixi arami-ʃi n wire, metal wire arame, (emprestimo antigo do Portugues [arame]
aramok ara-mok, ara-amokə n mushroom sp. big and yellowish cogumelo sp. grande fungo amarelado Polyporaceae
aranak n vine sp. cipó normal, esp.
aranamak arana makə, arana mak n mushroom sp. agarico, cogumelo comestivel
aranathotho arana-thot, arana-thotho n liana, vine sp. cipó, esp. grande
arapa arapa, apa Vi/Vt perch (of birds), stand on pousar (de aves), empoleirar Bird
arapaɨ arapa-ɨ vt inserting, to insert st. inseririndo, fincar- pegado
arapamoɨ arapamo-ɨ v ref. perching self empoleirar-se
arapoɨ arapo-ɨ vt lay out on top, placing on top instalar sobre
aras horomaitim aras horomai-tim n Wax-Tailed Plant-hoppers, cricket sp. grilos com rabo de cera (inseto esp.)
arasi 1 arasi n macaw (generic term) arara (termo generico)
arasi 2 arasi n butterfly (generic term) borboleta (termo genérico) Psittacidae
arasihi arasi-hi na tree sp. árvore esp. 1.5.1 Tree
arasiweri arasi-weri, aras-weri n alligator small jacaretinga
araskohais aras kohaisi (?) n scarlet macaw sp. arara vermelha Psittacidae
arastxai aras-tʃai n true macaw (red, blue and green) verdadeira arara, vermelha e azul
araswakëi aras-tʃai n red macaw sp. arara Piranga Psittacidae
araxari araʃari n dolphin, fresh water dolphin boto, golfinho de agua doce
aremkok arem-kok n termite round house on a tree ninho redondo de cupim, nas árvores Termitidae 1.5.1 Tree
aremkokthaɨ aremkok tha-ɨ vt making termites, inside termite houses fazendo casa de cupim
ari ari n old term for tubers and roots termo antigo para raízes e tuberaceae