ariroweiariro-weicfariromoɨhariroɨinf. nom.singing hallelujah songs, to sing [ariroia] songscantar o [ariro] "aleluia"
aroarikaroarik-tʃɑinpowder of Aroari tuber root for shamanistic usespó de Aroari bulbos, planta cultivada para uso xamanistico4.9.4.1Sorcery
aroarikɨkëaroari-kɨkənbark, leaves or small roots, generic for group of small plants used by the shamanraizes pequenas, folhas e casca usada pelo pajéaroari-a weiTo reach someone with worcery Aroari4.9.4.1Sorcery
aroarikokaroarikoknroot of aroari plant used as necklace. Charm for huntingpequeno arbusto cuja raiz é usada em volta do pescoço. Fetiçaria para caçar6.4.1Hunt4.9.4.1Sorcery
aroariparoari-p, aroari-pənaroari plants, collective or plural also for the small aroari tuber-roots (jack)plantas de aroari, tambem plural das pequenas raizes tuberculas de aroari
arom kɨtxomaharom-kɨtʃomaharom-kɨtʃ alive, healed, got wellficou bom, ficou com saúde, curado, ressuscitou.tere-ham harom- kɨtxomrose risen risen, rose alive and sane.
arowariarowariaroarinaarowari, shaman's rootsarowari (ver aroari)notasThis root can cause fever, headache, tinnitus, and general malaise.
atarih namoatari-hi namo, atarih-namonarrow with a barb point for fishingflecha com ponta farpadaatarihi namoweisharpen the arrowhead atarihi1.6.1.5Fish
atarihiatari-hinsmall tree sp. (used to support the barb arrow point)árvore pequena sp. (usada para farpar as pontas das flechas)Mlastomataceae1.5.1Tree
ateateadjimmature, not ripe, young (casual speech)imaturo, jovem, novo, verde