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irahaira-ha, ira-hlying down on the floor, spread outdeitado no chão, espalhar, dispersar no chão
iraoiraonabandoned gardencapoeira
iraokaira-o-ka, ira-o-knbamboo cane, sp.bengala de bambu (espécie)
iriiriadjdifferent, not the samediferente, não o mesmoai iriother, more but different, (I want another but not the same)antkɨrenah
irihairiha, irihəunspec. var. ofiha1Moved from the Gloss field
irihamirihəm, irihamposttoward, from, ablativepara, em direção a (ablativo)
irihiiri-hi, ɨri-hinforest, outside, land, territoryselva, fora, terra, território
irihi theriirihi therinppeople of the land, people of the worldgente da terra, povo do mundo inteiro, toda criatura
irihi totihimaweiirihi totihima-wii, irihi totehima-weivtdevelop, to develop the land, (environment)desenvolver, melhorar o terreno
iriroiriro, arirovcry together, ritual mourning, chantedchorar juntos, luto ritual, cantouhayirɨɨ iriroxvm, let's all cry., tear
iroironHowler monkeyGuariba-vermelhoCebidae
iroɨ̃iro-ũncaterpillar sp. with reddish hairlagarta sp. com pelos rosadosLepidopteros
iromov ref.be like iro, acting like iroser como iro, agir como irokama iromoɨhe is attacking as Iro
iroriirori, iroriwenaname of a mannome de homem
iroxiiroʃinbuffalo gnat (reddish GG)borrachudo vermelho
isinisinnear togetherperto juntos
-itëitə, ithəsfxfuture, possiblefuturo, possíveltxa txapa-ra-yo itëI will return.kama ia itë.He is going to eat (tomorrow).
ithoaɨitho-a-ɨivcoming downdescer, baixando
ithoɨitho-ɨivcoming downdescer, baixandotitithëhë mahkii, ahião ithora-kemathough it was night the plane went down.
ithomaitho-mavtcome down, to make s.t. come downdescer, fazer descer, (causativo)wa ithoma-re-istay calm!
ithoraɨithora-ɨvtland, to land a planeaterrissar, pousar o aviãoahião xee-en ahião ithoraɨthe pilot is landing the plane
ithoratxoɨitho-ra-tʃo-ɨivget up! getting uplevanta-te! levantando-sewa ithorayoɨYou get up!
ithoreramareweiithorera-ma-reweiger-nomhelping sb. get upajudando alguém a levantar-se