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xɨmaɨʃɨma-ɨ, ʃɨmə-ɨ, ʃɨmɨvtsending, to send, to orderenviar, mandando, ordenarkamayan thão potim xɨma parɨop akan.I'll send the messenger in front
xɨmam txapaavtsend away, to fire sb.mandar embora
xɨmareiʃɨma-reivtsend sb. away, to expel s.b. (imperative)botar pra correr
xɨmëʃɨmənspider monkeymacaco aranha
xɨmëkos reoʃɨməkos reonthree toed slothbicho preguica1.6Animal
xɨmëkosiʃɨməkosintwo toed slothbicho que tem dois dedos do pe
xɨmɨ1ʃɨmɨ, ʃimənsloth (generic), three toed slothpreguiça-de-hoffmann (genérico)Choloepus hoffmanni1.6Animal
xɨmɨ2ᶘɨmɨnsloth sp.preguiça-de-bentinhoBradypus tridactylus
xɨmɨ3ᶘɨmɨnsloth sp. royal slothpreguiça-realCholoepus didactylus
xɨmɨ txaparemaʃɨmə tʃapa-re-mavtexpelled, sent awayexpulsado
xɨmɨɨ̃ᶘɨmɨ-ɨ̃ncaterpillar sp. with white hair like a sloth /xumu/lagarta sp. de pelo claro como a preguiça /xumu/
xɨmɨm txaparemaperf.expelled, sent awayele expulsou algo, mandou embora
xɨmɨremaʃɨmɨ-remaperf.be sent, to be sentser enviadothë xɨmɨ-remathis was sent, he sent it.
xɨmoteʃɨmote, ʃimotekinki (of hair)enroladohĩthak xɨmotecurled hairhĩtak xɨmote; hĩtak ximotecurled hair
xɨohaɨivbe born, to be bornnascer
xɨohoov ref.err, make a mistakeerrar
xɨopɨɨxiov ref.crouchagachar, encolher-se
xɨpɨkʃɨpɨk, ʃɨpɨkəinal. nounintestines with fecesintestinos com fezes
xɨrɨkaɨʃɨrɨka-ɨcfrërëivtraveling by foot, walkingviajando a pé, caminar7.2.4.1Travel by land
xɨrɨkoɨʃɨrɨko-ɨcfhokɨv ref.travel, to self travel, traveling on footviajar, ir a pé, andandoxɨrɨko-pëh kɨpë-o waha-mo-ma..walking told each other.. by land
xɨrɨna1ʃɨrɨnanant sp., leaf cutterformiga vermelha
xɨrɨna2nfish sp.espécie de peixe1.6.1.5Fish
xɨrɨna3nArmy Ants.Formigas Caçadoras
xɨteʃɨteivto itch, itchingcoçar