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xoʃointerjready, let's gopronto, vamosxo, hamëhready let's go
-xoʃocf-xnsfxwithcom, junto, tambémhapa-ya-xo yamak yaro-yãhi waremawe eat the meat with my father too.kamayaxoMe too..
xoa1ʃoa, ʃwangrandfather, maternal uncle, father-in-lawvovô, tio, sogrosoa-txa, xoa-homy grandfather, your grandfather4., aunt4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship
xoa2ʃoacall people for feastchamar as pessoas rápidotxa pɨk xoaɨI called people quickly
xoa3ʃoá, ʃowácfxia2advstill, yet, again, also, furtherainda, também, novamentehapokax ha-ke-rɨn yahatho xoa-kemathe clay pot fell and still broke into pieces.Petro-n xakawëk hipɨ xoa-weiPeter is still owing the arrows
xoakemaheʃoa-kema-headv,Vthey (did) also, they were alsoeles (fizeram) tambémwãro oxe pɨkɨn wakë ha-marama-rɨ-he-nɨ, yãno noama xoa-kema-hethe boys managed to put out the fire and also saved the house
xohemasʃohemasi, ʃohemasnspear (type of)lança
xohëmëʃohəməlet's go!vamos!
xohononblackhead, skin deceasecomedão, doença de pele
xokeʃokecftiporeraago around in a circleir ao redor
xokekʃokeknchannel, canalcanalmaɨp xokekwater channel
xokopʃokop, ʃokopənspearlança
xokoriweʃokoriwenaname of a mannome de homem
xokoro1ʃokoronanteater sp. (small)tamanduá-mirimMyrmecophagidae1.6Animal
xokoro2ʃokoronhiccoughssoluçotxa xokoro-mo-yomI have coughs
xokoro3ʃokoro, sokoronmonkey sp. CHECK in fieldparuaru sp macaco
xokoro4nPalm beetleBesouro da palmeira
xokoroaraspihiʃokoro aras-pi-hinppitch sp. PPbreu-do-po-brancoBurseraceae
xokoromo1ʃokoromo, ʃokomo ??v ref.hiccup, hiccoughssoluçartxa xokoromo-yom"I had hiccups, coughs"
xokoromo2v ref.sob, sobbingsoluçar
xokraʃokrasagsagtohis tha xokra keitathe bark will eventually go down