xomiʃomianother kindoutro tipoai xomianother one another
xoniʃoniivbegin, startcomeçartxa ke xoni ke-nĩha, hapa thëhëWhen I started, at first...Omam xɨrɨko xoni kea-thëhëAnd when Omam was about to start the trip.antrã1
xooratxoweiʃoo-ra-tʃo-weiinf. nom.amazed, to be completely amazed, surpriseadmirar, admiração, surpresapɨk kõmiri mam xoorayo-maEveryone was surprised and surprised.
xorori4ʃororinmythological being and to day harmful spirit related to the swallowser mitológico e também agora um espírito maléfico relacionado a andorinha sp.
xotari1ʃotarinsting ray, ray of sweet water sp.arraia de água doce sp.karɨtë kɨo-ma? xotarin ya mahe ta tioho remaWhat happened? an sting ray pierced my foot
xowa1ʃowa, ʃoacfxia2advstill, yet, soonainda, logowa tha xowado it soon
xowa2ʃowa, ʃwa-sp. var.xwa-nmother's brother, mother's father, wife's father (never pronounced without the possessive pronoun)tio materno, avô materno, sogro (não se pronuncia sem o pronome posessivo), sister4.1.9Kinship