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xomariʃomaringrater boardralador
xomarikëʃomarikəngiboya snakecascavel
xomiʃomianother kindoutro tipoai xomianother one another
xoniʃoniivbegin, startcomeçartxa ke xoni ke-nĩha, hapa thëhëWhen I started, at first...Omam xɨrɨko xoni kea-thëhëAnd when Omam was about to start the trip.ant1
xooratxoweiʃoo-ra-tʃo-weiinf. nom.amazed, to be completely amazed, surpriseadmirar, admiração, surpresapɨk kõmiri mam xoorayo-maEveryone was surprised and surprised.
xopahiʃopa-hinatree sp.árvore sp.1.5.1Tree
xopakɨkʃopa-kɨknfruit/seed of xopa tree sp.tipo de fruto/ semente1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
xorah ɨ̃nnfrog speciesespécie de sapo
xoriʃorinfriend, in-lawamigo, cunhado
xoropaɨ theriʃoropaɨ therinpeople living along the Surubai river. GGmoradores do rio Surubai (afluente do alto Uraricaa)
xorori1ʃororinswallow like sp. White and gray river birdnarcejão, ave sp.Apodidae1.6.1.2Bird
xorori2ʃororinswallow sp.andorinha sp.Hirundinidae
xorori3ʃororinbird sp. Southern LapwingQuero-Quero, teu-teuVanellus Chilensis1.6.1.2Bird
xorori4ʃororinmythological being and to day harmful spirit related to the swallowser mitológico e também agora um espírito maléfico relacionado a andorinha sp.
xorori patanWattled Jacana, narcejasJaçanã, narcejãoJacana Jacana
xotari1ʃotarinsting ray, ray of sweet water sp.arraia de água doce sp.karɨtë kɨo-ma? xotarin ya mahe ta tioho remaWhat happened? an sting ray pierced my foot
xotari2ʃotarinasting rayarraia
xoteʃotevttwist and squeezetorcer e espremer
xoteheʃoteh, xotehëʃotehcfxotehehĩianbasket, small basket for girlscesta pequena para meninas
xotehehĩiacfxoteheidm.death of a girl, (small basket hanging GG)óbito de uma menina, (cesta pequena pendurada GG)2.6.6Die
xotehekasihaidm.death of a little girlmorte de uma menina2.6.6Die
xotikiʃotikistickyviscoso, grudar, adesivo, cola
xowa1ʃowa, ʃoacfxia2advstill, yet, soonainda, logowa tha xowado it soon
xowa2ʃowa, ʃwa-sp. var.xwa-nmother's brother, mother's father, wife's father (never pronounced without the possessive pronoun)tio materno, avô materno, sogro (não se pronuncia sem o pronome posessivo), sister4.1.9Kinship