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xowatxëʃwa-tʃə, ʃowa-tʃənmy grandfather, my unclemeu vovô, meu avô, meu tio4., aunt4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship
xoxomahinatree sp.árvore sp.1.5.1Tree
xõmarik2nsnake sp.espécie de cobra
xõonRufescent tiger ?Socó-boi
xõoh pihireiʃõõh pih ireinheron sp.socó-boi, taiaçu
xõoha2ʃõ?õhanheron sp. (small)garça azul, soco. (pequena)
xõpei1ʃõpeinbutterfly sp. (blue)borboleta espécie espécie (azul)
xõpei2nbutterfly (blue)borboleta azul
xõraheʃõrãhẽnfruit/seed sp.tipo de fruto/ semente1.5.5Parts of a plant
xõwarinaʃõwãrinanwasp sp. big black waspvespa sp. grande e preta. caba
xõwehete txai1ᶘõwẽhẽtẽ tᶘainfour eyed opossumrato-cauda-de-ratoMetachirus nudicaudatus1.6Animal
xõwehete txai2ᶘõwẽhẽtẽ tᶘainwoolly mouse opossumrato lanoso peludoMicoureus demerarae
xõwetehe1ʃõwẽtẽhẽnbare-tailed woollymucura-chichicaCaluromys philander
xõwetehe2ᶘõwẽtẽhẽncommon mouse opossummucuraMarmosa murina
xramaʃrama, ʃəra-ma.dislikedesagradaweh pih xiramënI don't like you (telling you to leave)antnotxaɨpihipo3 2
-xtënʃtənvsfxQuestion marker, permissive (intent); may, can, couldmarcador de pergunta, permissivo, pode
xwa-sp. var. ofxowa2Moved from Lexeme Form field
xwatxëʃwayəngrandfather, uncle (brother of mother only)vovô, tio (irmão da mãe), aunt4., grandmother4.1.9Kinship