xëɨʃəɨvthurting, hitting, harm, to injureofender, golpeando, pegar pancadayɨtɨha oromowei pɨkën tsanoma wãro xërema, rakapsanA while ago the prospectors shot a Sanomá Indian with a shotgun.
xëra1ʃəravtkill by shooting (root)matar atirandoxama pa xëra-ɨhe's killing a tapir
xëra2ʃəra, ʃeravtkill with a club or stonematar, bater com pauPetro-n tɨhɨ xera-re-maPeter killed an ounce.
xëra3ʃə-ravt kill, to kill, to murder,(stem)assassinar, matar (raiz)
xëra thothokʃəra-thothoknaliana sp., water-lianacipó-timbó sp. cipó da água
xëraɨʃəra-ɨvtexecuting, put to deathexecutando, fazer justiça2.6.6Die
xëramoɨʃəramo-ɨv ref.kill o.s., suicide with a blow, or s.t.matar-se, suicidar-se com um golpe ou algo.kama-n xëra-mo ratxo-ma.He killed himself.txa xëramo pexmoɨ.I want to kill myself.
xërareʃə-ra-revtkill now (here)matar agora (aqui)xërare kiha seen pih-kɨ yaro.(he) is really thinking he can kill (him) now
xëratxoratxoweiʃəra-yo-rayo-weyrec.hitting each other, to hit each other (reciprocal)bater-se um no outroyãno reo-aha kɨp xërayo-rayomaIn the big house of the community they two beat each other.
xëraweiʃəra-weyinf. nom.matança, matar, homicídioPora-ha kama ha-kera-rɨn, napë-pɨkɨn taarawei, xëraremahe.He fell into the waterfall, the enemies found him and mataran him. (Check)
xëremaheʃə-re-ma-hevtthey attacked, they hit himeles agrediram, bateram neleyãno reo-aha kɨp xëremahe.in the community house they beat him.