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xiprai ʃiprai n piranha (small fish) piranha caju Characinidae Fish
xirapkoo n fish sp. pirapucu, pirarucu Fish
xiraritxomkoɨ ʃiraritʃom-kom n sugar cane sp. cana de açúcar sp.
xiratxomë ʃira-tʃom np euphoric, sense of well-being eufórico, sentido de bem estar
xire ʃire vt begin começar pɨk raɨraroɨ xire they started screaming ant rãa 2
xiriankoxik ʃirian-koʃik np small jutai fruit sp. from the parokohi tree jutaí-mirim fruto sp. da árvore parokohi Fabaceae 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
xirika 1 ʃirikə, ʃirika GG cf moni xirika n 1 year ano 8.4 Time Year 2 star estrela 3 Pleiades plêiade
xirika 2 aj-wiripo-ha Tim. Ad. next month no mês que vem
xirikapɨk ʃirikə pɨk n stars, Pleiades estrela, plêiades
xiripaa n swallow sp. andorinha sp.
xiripari ʃiripari n swallow sp. andorinha sp. Hirundinidae
xirixa ʃiriʃa n ant sp. formiga sp.
xirixirithok ʃiriʃitithok cf thoothothokë Unspec. of thoothotho -k n hammock of vine, (made with liana sp.) rede de cipó, (feita com trepadeiras) Bed
xiro 1 ʃiro adv alone, only one, empty handed só, somente, (sem nada)
xiro 2 ʃiro adv only somente, só hei henathëhë yãrɨ ha kroke xiro kɨoma this morning there were only dark clouds in the sky
xiro 3 ʃiro adv always sempre, continuamente
xironohimo v ref. live together well, liking each other conviver bem, um com outro
xitama ʃitama n umbilicus umbigo
xitipasi ʃitipasi n shell (of snail) concha (de caracol)
xito?ẽ ʃito?ẽ iv contraction of the stomach (belly) contrair o abdômen
xitora pɨk ʃitora pɨk na verms Oxiurus vermes linha, tipo Oxiurus. Lombricidae
xitorapë ʃitorapə, ʃitorap n verms sp. verme sp., verme linha Lombricidae
xitxë ʃitʃə Vi/Vt throw, play, (Bound root) jogar, lançar, (raíz) maamak xitxëra-aɨ (he) is throwing stones
xitxëra ʃitʃɨ-ra, ʃitʃə-ra vt throw, to throw at, to shoot jogar, atirar, jogar para fora, no chão? xitxëre pat wãrihik xiyɨ xaare xitxëraaɨ koroax xitxëraoin ya hẽ xamiraroyokën "throw away" "not good throw away immediately" "throw" "my head got dirty because he threw mud"
xitxo ʃitʃo vt to fight brigar