Browse Ninam


1ɨ, ɨp, ɨpə, ɨknsfxliquid, noun classifierlíquido, classificador de substantivos
2ɨivsfxprogressive aspectaspecto progressivoUnspec.amoamoɨamoawatxamoɨwatxamo1
ɨarotten (wood)podre (madeira)
ɨamiɨamialone, empty handedsó (sem nada)
ɨarihikuari-hik, oarinik, wãrihiknanguil fish checkenguia peixeSynbranchidae1.6.1.5Fish
ɨemanowl sp. GGcoruja esp.
ɨha1ɨhalocthere (not near you)
ɨha2advthere, over therelá, acolá
ɨha ahatrehaɨha ahatrehanpthat one nearbyaquele lá perto
ɨhhaɨh-halocthere to, there atpra lá
ɨhɨɨhɨdeictic prothat, that one (mentioned)aquele
ɨhɨ are?ɨhɨ are (check) better?melhorou?pa ɨhɨ-are?Do you feel better?
ɨhɨ pɨkɨhɨ pɨkdeictic prothose peopleaquelas pessoas
ɨhɨ thëɨhɨ thə thingaquela coisa
ɨhɨhɨɨhɨh, ɨhɨhɨdeadj.Vfeeling bettermelhorarwa ɨhɨhɨ rayo ha?Did you get better? He's doing well, improvingpa ɨhɨa-re, pa ɨhɨhɨa-re
ɨhɨt1ɨhɨt, ɨhɨtənfish sp.peixe sp.Pimelodidae1.6.1.5Fish
ɨhɨt2ɨhɨ-thə, ɨhɨtdeictic prothat thingaquela coisa
ɨhɨttxaiɨhɨ-t tʃaicfpehetiinterjthat's true, realaquilo é verdade
ɨhɨttxai kiithëɨhɨt-tʃai kiithənpIs it true? I don't know. Could it be real?será verdade? não sei
ɨɨhalocthat there (emphatic)aquilo lá
ɨɨhɨɨ-ɨhɨdeictic prothat one (emphatic)aquele mesmo
ɨkaɨka, hɨkasp. var.hɨka21vtpull up, remove, dig up, take out, (root, occurs with suffixes)arrancar, extrair2nremove, move out, takingremoção, mudança,(radical)
ɨkaɨ1ɨka-ɨc-pr.digging up. pulling outextraindo
ɨkaɨ2ɨka-ɨ ~ hɨka-ɨ vtremoving, take away, withdrawingretirando, tomar, removerai pɨk tɨwëp ɨkap xiha, yai-pata kɨ will not take the wife (wife) of others, said the great chief.
ɨkaɨ3ɨka-ɨ, hɨka-ɨvtsubtracting, taking away, diminishingsubtraindo, tirando, diminuindothëk ɨkaɨtaking things