ithoreratxoweiithorera-tʃo-weiger-nomgetting up, to get up (telic, from hammock)levantar-se, levantando-se (télico) da rede)xiharin ɨrɨ-tai ithorerayowei thai hɨma yaspohamimmediately the little boy getting up came out5.1.1.3Bed
itowei1inf. nom.get down, to land (airplane), come down from hammock, (get up in the morning)descer, para pousar (avião), descer da rede, (levantar-se pela manhã)
ixoɨiʃo-ɨVi/Vtfighting to kill, fightingbrigando para matar, combatertxa kiri pemia, txa ixo-ithëI'm not afraid, I'm going to fight.
ixomaweiiʃo-ma-weiinf. nom.warfare, cause to killcombate, matandotxee ixoma-pe-he, [txee ixo-ma-pe-he]I will be on hand to be killed by them (they will kill me)
ixop xihaiʃo-p ʃihaneg.impdo not kill or fight with intention to killnão mataráswa ixop xihaYou're not going to kill!
ixowei2iʃoweiinf. nom.kill, to kill, fighting to killmatar, briga para mataryamakën yai-pata ixowei thë totihii, pɨk kɨmafor us to kill the supreme leader is the just thing (right), they said.