Browse Ninam
kaxi kaʃi soft, flabby, weak macio, flácidos, fraco nãxik kax nãxik is soft (with water)
kaxip kaʃip n ant sp. (red-black small) formiga vermelha (pequena)
kaxirik kaʃirik np taro sp. taioba, tarro esp. Arum
kaxɨra 1 kaʃɨra n opossum small sp. cuica, gambá d´agua, mucura pequena Marmosops parvidens
kaxɨra 2 kaʃɨrã n opossum (small) gambá rato, mucura-xixica Philander Andersoni
kayko kayko vt bring back ?? trazer
kazɨra kaʃɨra na nome de mulher Mako
kãhowamak kãhõ-wamak cf wamakë pro-form you, 2p pl vocês Kãhowamak awëpë
kãhowehekë kãhõwehek, kãhõwehekə pro-form you, 2p dual você dois
kãi kãĩ-n sp. var. of kai 1 Marlon added based on example sentences (valid?)
kãtxënan kãɲənam n Apiau River name rio Apiaú
kãyo gnat sandfly mosquito sandfly
ke ke cf keo iv 1 fall (root) cair (radical) mene-e ke-yo-ma, wiitihi-ha his mother fell out of the tree (free transduction) I'm falling, he fell txa ke-i, ke-yo-ma, pa keo-ɨ he's falling 2 (in water it can mean "to dive) pular (na água) ke-pei jump in!
kea thëhë ke-a thəhə Tim. Ad. as he was, while he was, when he was enquanto ele estava, pondo-se ele.. xɨrɨko xoni kea thëhe̐ while he started walking ...
kearɨmo kearɨmo n night monkey macaco da noite
keere keere post remote past passado remoto
keh tipëtra keh tipətra put together NO NO NO wam keh tipëtra you put your heads close
kehe kehe surely, you don't say certamente
-kei kei kii cf -rei v sfx command, imperative comando, imperativo wa mi-kei, wa ia-kei Sleep! Eat!
kekën kekən, kekənə start ? iniciar
kema kema 1 demolish, to demolish demolir, para demolir 2 drop largar
kemaɨ 1 kema-re-pə vt knock down, to make it fall derrubar, fazer cair ɨhɨnë hapok kema-remë he dropped the pot
kemaɨ 2 vt demolishing derrubando
kemanaxihimo kemanaᶘĩ n sorva, fruit of the kemanaxi-hi tree sorva, fruta da sorveira Apocynaceae 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
kemanaxĩhĩ kemana-ᶘĩhĩ n couma tree sp. cumä-acu, sorva, árvore sp. Apocynaceae 1.5.1 Tree