Browse Ninam


kɨrɨkëkɨrɨk, kɨrɨkənowl (generic)Tropical Screech-Owlcoruja (genérico)
kɨrɨkɨp1kɨrɨkɨpinal. nountracheiafacilmente
kɨrɨkɨp2kɨrɨkɨpnvulture sp.bútio, águia sp.
kɨrɨraɨkɨrɨra-ɨvtbrake, to breakquebrar
kɨroɨkɨ-ro-ɨv ref.transform self, become or to be something elsetransformar-se, tornar-se, ficar
kɨroweikɨ-ro-weiAna. Inf. Nom.becoming, to transform self, transformation, to become, (nominal)transformar-se, converter-se, modificar-se
kɨtkɨt ???line (of paper), in linewho wrote this? quem escreveu isso?pas kɨt rapethe paper in a long line
kɨtaakɨ-taavtcomprehend, include, to containcompreender, incluir, conter
kɨtaahakɨtaahairreg. infl. ofkɨtaha
kɨtahakɨtahairreg. infl.kɨtaahaquestmaybe, doubt, question tagtalvez, dúvida, pergunta
kɨteenkɨte?en, kɨteenəsame as, similar, being that (B)- Check)mesmo que, igualkama kɨtee(n) thɨwëas if he were a woman
kɨtxiaokɨtʃiaotell the truthdizer verdade
kɨtxɨkɨtʃɨcurved downwardcurvado para baixotih kɨyɨa pole folded down
kɨtxɨhɨrɨivgo out (two, dual)ir embora (dois), sairkamaxo Nair kɨyohɨrɨ-weyNair left with him.
kɨtxoɨkɨ-tʃo-ɨvtsaying, exclaiming (say-telic-progressive)disse (dizer télico) exclamandotxa kɨyo weiI was saying...
kɨtxoweikɨ-tʃo-weiinf. nom.exclaim, to exclaim, exclaiming (telic)exclamar, exclamando, exclamação
kɨweikɨ-weiinf. nom.saying, to saydizendo, dizer
kɨxaxenakɨʃaʃenanwhite antcupim
kɨxonia kiakɨʃonia kiacfkexoni kifirst one, first timeprimeiro, primeira vez
kɨ̃mɨkɨ̃mɨ̃bend itselfdobrar em si mesmo
kɨ̃mɨrakɨ̃mĩrãnot known, hidden thingnão conhece, coisa escondidatë kɨ̃mɨra rarawei, të kɨ̃rama rarama aipɨkɨn të kɨ̃mɨraimihhidden thing, they don't know
kɨ̃reningã bean
kɨ̃repɨkkɨ̃rẽpɨ̃k, kɨ̃rẽpɨ̃kəningã beansingá, frutas da árvore kurepu-hiLeguminosae1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
koVi/Vtdrink, (root)beber, tomar (raiz)