komi1komivtclosed, intact, whole, no exittapado, não tem saída, fecha dopak komiclosed hole, no exit
komi2kominwhole, one piece, the whole, intactinteiro, tudo, intacto, completo, ileso
komirakomi ra, koma radeadj.Vobstruct, to clog, choke, blockentupir, bloquear, obstruirtxa hɨ̃kak komi-ra-riyo-mamy nose got clogged.
komɨkomɨ, kõmɨvcall, shoutingchamarJoão txa komɨ rekën; txa komën; txa komëtxowei komɨ pëh wa komɨ txoɨ 'carr!John called me; I called the people; when he called