Browse Ninam
kai 1 kai sp. var. kãi conn with, and, also e, com, também papatxa txa kai hɨma. I brought my father. napetxë wehek kai rooma. You two sat with my mother. warima kai ayoma-he they got my brother-in-law.
kai 2 kãĩ n bundle ?? com piinai kãi a pack of tobacco
kai 3 post with, together com, junto
kai 4 kai, kaj post with com papatxa txa kai hɨma. I went with my father. (also) I brought my father. napetxë wehek kai rooma. You two sat down with my mom. warima kai atxoma-he
kai hɨraɨ kay hɨra-ɨ back and forward, going back and forward para trás e para a frente, indo para trás e para frente
kai ɨraa iv keep manter ant hipɨ
kaihi kaĩ-hi n inga tree sp. ingá érvore sp. Leguminosae 1.5.1 Tree
kaikɨk kai-kɨk n inga sp. fruits of the kãi-hi tree. ingá sp. frutas da árvore Kãi-hi. Leguminosae 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
kaiko kaĩ-kõ adv with back return, bring back com o retorno de volta, trazer de volta
kain kai-n, ka-ĩn cf -n hapeoin hatin kãi sp. var. of kai 1 kɨpën conn and-with, (connector-erg.) e, com, (comit.-erg.) piri wa pihi kain... and with your mind ...
kairërëawei inf. nom. ride, to ride andar de kairërëawei sikretkɨ-ha cycling, riding a bike
kaɨ kaɨ go against (check) ir contra
kaɨë kaɨə adj slanted inclinado pa yãno kaɨë the house is sloping
kaɨkaɨmo 1 kaɨkaɨmo Vi/Vt roll, to roll, roll a canoe fazer rolar, rolar a canoa
kaɨkaɨmo 2 kaɨkaɨ-mo iv tip-toe, walk on tip-toes, limpingly andar nas pontas dos pés, mancando.
kaĩka ka?ĩka, kahĩka iv laugh, smile (with mouth open) rir, sorrir (a boca aberta) ka-ika-ɨ he's smiling Laugh
kak txakërë kak-tʃakərə inal. noun kidney rim
kaka kaka vt rip, tear rasgar kakapxiha doesn't break it
kakakakahamkox kakakaka-hamkoʃ n toucan sp. (small) tucaninho Ramphastidae
kakara kakra, kakara irreg. infl. kakra vt tear at once rasgar de uma vez
kakokway n rope of juta corda de juta
kakra kakra irreg. infl. of kakara
kama kama pro-form he, she, emphatic ele, ela
kama kɨpë kama kɨpə pro-form they (dual) eles dois
kamae kama e cf ãhõ kahõ wee pro-form your (his, hers) seu