Browse Ninam
okeretemookerete-mo, okrete-mo, (see akrete)v ref.stretch, to stretch o.s., sprawl, (arms and legs)espreguiçar-se (pernas e braços)
oketeoketeflavorless, tastelessinsípidothë okehit's in bad taste
oko pɨtiremoko pɨtiremncrab smallcaranguejo pequeno
okomokëokomokə, hokomokənsweet potatobatata doceokomok-koktuberous sweet potato root
okorookorondog (domestic)cachorro, (doméstico)ɨhɨn okoro xë-ɨwhat's biting the dog
dogokorodog (domestic)
okorothaicomp.okoro-thaindog (young)
okothakndiving duck, sp.mergulhão sp.
okothetheoko thethenmastitis, inflammation of women breastmastite, inflamação do seiotxa oko thethe-mo rayo-maI have inflammation
okothethemooko thethe-movtget mastitister mastite
okotxaincrab (fresh water)caranguejo
okthomëokthomə, okothomnmanioc squeezertipiti
omom, omaquestinterrogativeperguntahati-xo wa nih ramhɨ hena om?Who are you going hunting with tomorrow? (interactional)
omamaomama, omamncultural heroheroi cultural
omamɨtɨpomam-ɨtɨpnpspirit of Omamespírito de Omam
omkaik hipɨaVi/Vtthrow up, to vomitcolocar pra fora (comida). illness
omoariomoarinevil spirit of the dry seasonespírito maléfico do tempo da seca1.4.2Spirits of things
oni2onisketch, draw, writeesboço, desenhar, escrever
opahiopai, opahinrodent sp. (similar to a porcupine)ouriço-cacheiro, quandu
opehiopehindwarf porcupineouriço cacheiro
opisinopisinslower a little, calmdevagarinho, calmo, um pouco mais devagaropisin, wa wãha-ɨyou can speak slowly (please). (say slowly please).
opkan1opəkan, opkanncaterpillars (generic term)lagarta