Browse Ninam
poxeh poʃeh, boʃehi n peccary (white collared) caititu
poxehi poᶘehi n Peccary sp. caititu
poxehi ɨ ë poᶘehi u ë n Collared peccary sp. caititu, porco-do-mato Pecari tajacu
poxehik poʃehikə n peccaries caititu, grupo de caititus
poxpoxkom poʃpoʃkom n bird sp. juriti Bird
põhitxoimë põhĩɲõimə, põhĩɲõĩm n bacurau (night bird sp.) bacurau, tiom-tiom Bird
praki praki n pepper (hot) pimenta (queima)
pramathok pra?mathok, pore-amathok, prammathok n vine sp. liana taperebá, cajazeiro Anacardiacea
pramathokhimo np fruit of pramathok vine fruta do cipó pramathok Anacardiacea 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
pramãhi pram-ãhi, poram-ãhi n star estrela pram-ãh pɨk kõmĩri all stars
prãakok prã?ã-kok n toad sp. big water toad with orange skin on back sapo sp. grande sapo d'agua com pele de costas alaranjada
premxĩ prem-ʃĩ, porem-ʃĩ n sun sol prem-xĩ orotho the sun is round
premxĩi prem-ʃĩ-i, porem-ʃĩ-i adj sunny luminoso
prenxiin txëratxonih premʃi-in tʃəratʃon-ih at sunrise ao despontar do sol Poa-hista ham, prẽnxiin txërayon-ih, pɨk rake hakɨre. at sunrise they went to Boa Vista.
primprimtim n Spotted Puffbird Rapazinho-carijó Bird
propa propa, proba n exam, proof, test, examination prova, teste
propa txat kema propa tʃa-t kema, (kəma) passed the exam (school) passar na prova (escola)
pxihë neg. command comando negativo