pakohepakohevtcarry (on arms) (?)carregotarɨt-txak pakohipoI carry firewood on my shoulders
pakoɨppakõəp, pakawə̃pnpaint to decorate the body (black)pintura para pintar o corpo com linhas pretas.
pakthaɨpak tha-ɨ (casual speech)vtexcavate, to excavate, diggingescavar
paopëhpaopəhə, paoehnmouth of path or river, end of of the road or river, exitboca do rio, ou do caminho, fim do rio, fim do caminho, saídaai itxo paopëhone more end of the path (starting or leaving)
papapapa, hapaunspec. var.hapanfather, father's brotherpai, tio paterno.papa; papaho; papatxëfather; your father; my fatherpapa, hatxirɨɨ, txaromo-xoDaddy, come on, let's take a shower (in the river)