parɨomaparɨo-maadvfirst, to be put firstprimeiro, ser primeirooithëhë pɨk yarami pɨk parɨoma, waiha hei pɨk pihkih pɨk a lot are the first, later these people will be the last.
pataɨpata-ɨnriverriopata-ɨ oki paro-athe river is too fullma-ɨ okih paro
pataɨ ɨxixi ratxoweiger-nomágua do rio tornar-se barrentamaa ha-ke-rɨn, pata-ɨ ɨxixi-rayo-maafter the rain, the river water became muddy (dark)
pataɨweipata-ɨ-weiinf. nom.growing, to grow up (generic), to grow oldercrescer, crescendo, ficar velho
patamo weipatamowei, patamowii (Albino)1inf. nom.govern, to govern, to rule, meeting of communities leaders, rulinggovernar, comandar2npgovernando, reunião dos líderes
patamoɨpata-mo-ɨvtact as a boss, to commandmandar, comandar