patanamhɨsipata-namhɨsi, pata-namhɨsnthumbnail GGpolegar-unha, unha do polegar
patapopata-po, pata-poonaxemachadopatapo taak-rare amihathe axe is there on the floorpatapo amiha raa hõwãpatapo takɨkɨ-rare amihathe axe is there on the ground the axe is there (near you) on the ground
patarapataraivgrow upcrescerItaria thë ha ya patara-yomaI grew up in Italy (grow old)
patasi1patasinwife (vocative) affectionate termesposa (vocativo) termo afetuoso2.6.1Marriage
patxirioweipatʃirio-weiinf. nom.testify againsttestemunhar contrapayiriowey thão thaweyseek testimony and evidence
patxiriraɨpatʃirira-ɨVi/Vtcollaborate against, collaboratecolaborar, ajudar contrawam-e ot-nih thamarei, wam-ek payirirarei; pẽhe-e kɨma.Have compassion on us and help us, his father said.
patxiriraweipatʃiri-ra-weiinf. nom.helping, serve, to cooperateajudando, servir, colaborar
pawanapawanancarib person, i.e. Mayongongmayongong