Browse Ninam
paxik n fish sp. espécie de peixe Fish
paxisi paʃisi n piraiba piraíba
paxixi paʃiʃi n fish sp. piraíba Fish
paxɨa paʃɨa, paʃia, paʃi adv certainly certamente, com certeza
paxo 1 paʃo, baʃo n Spider monkey coatá, macaco-aranha-de-cara-branca Cebidae
paxo 2 paʃo n cricket sp. coneheaded katydid grilo sp. esperança salta montes
paxo ɨ̃kɨn heri paʃo ɨ̃kɨ̃n heri n praying mantis louva-a-deus
paxoɨkɨ paʃo ɨkɨ n hair of the Spider monkey used by the shaman pelos de macaco quatá (coatá) usados pelo xamã Sorcery
paxomowei paʃo-mo-wei inf. nom. imitate the spider monkey, to imitate the Spider-monkey (the sound of the monkey) imitar o som do macaco-aranha ou quatá
paxowatemohi paʃo-wa-temo-hi np tree sp. of medium size, fruit, sweet (edible) árvore sp. fruta doce (comestível) Clusiaceae 1.5.1 Tree 1.5.5 Parts of a plant
pãi pãiam pãj-pã-ɲãm n Black-headed with white throat, small falcon Falcão cabeça-preta, e garganta branca Falconidae
pãipãiyãm pãj-pãi-ɲam n parakeet sp. paraquito sp., green periquito sp. verde Psittacidae, Conuridae,
pãrako pãrãkõ n hornet-wasp caba-vespa
pãram ãhi n Beetle sp. espécie de besouro
pãranam pãrãnãm perenamo n Cinereous Tinamou Inhambu-Preto
pãxin pãʃin early, light cedo, claro
pe- pe, p, pi n pfx genitive prefix prefixo genitivo pehe e [pe-he?e], peamop e [pe-amop?e], pete e [pe-te?e], pitxës e [p-itʃəs?e], pihɨrɨp e [pi-hɨrɨp?e] 4.1.9 Kinship
peamope pe-amop?e n his or her older sister irmã mais velha dele ou dela Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
peape pe-ap?e n his or her older brother irmão mais velho dele ou dela Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
pehee nomaɨ lose the father perder o pai
peheri peheri n brother-in-law cunhado
peherie pe-heri-e n his or her younger sister-in-law cunhado dele, a cunhada dela In-law 4.1.9 Kinship