Browse Ninam
perihime perihime n tapioca (starch) tapioca (amido)
perihimëk n tapioca porridge mingau de tapioca
pertɨp pertɨp n wife, spouse esposa pertɨp-e your wife Husband, wife 4.1.9 Kinship
pertɨpe pertɨp?e n his wife, woman esposa dele, sua esposa Husband, wife 4.1.9 Kinship
pes pes, pesi sp. var. pesi 4 cf mãxtë moxok oramsik ray thathak n cross strings of a hammock cordas cruzadas de uma rede Bed
pesi 1 pesi dressed, wear clothes ser vestido (coberto de roupa)
pesi 2 pesi n mat, platform cover esteira
pesi 3 cf pɨsi 1 iv dull, not sharp não corta
pesi 4 sp. var. of pes Moved from Lexeme Form field
pesimak pesmak, pesimak n loincloth (female) tanga para mulher
peskamoɨ peska-mo-ɨ, pesika-mo-ɨ Vi/Vt fishing, to fish pescar, pescando Fish
pestiowei pes-tio-wei n dance, a type of (men facing women) dança, tipo de dança, (homem cara-a-cara com mulher)
petee pete?e, pete?ɛ n his daughter, her daughter, his girl filha dele, sua filha (dele), filha dela, sua filha (dela) Son, daughter 4.1.9 Kinship
pexi cf pexii pexima peximahe v desire pexima cause to desire peximahe desired by them ant yãxi 3
pexi rotote peʃi rotote adj sex greedy, strong desire desejar muito 2.6.2 Sexual relations
pexii peʃi-i, peʃi cf pexi iv desire, want, wish, love, like querer, desejar, gostar Iro-n katate apë pexi-i SN. she likes bananas.
pexima peʃima, peʃma cf pexi peximahe vt want querer, desejar, causativo ant yãxi 3
peximahe peʃima-he cf pexi pexima vt desired by them, they want queriam eles, eles querem pɨk kõmiri Otek moko pexma-yomahe they all liked the girl Otek (unmarried young girl)
peximoɨ peʃimo, peʃmo-ɨ v ref. want for self, self desire, egoistic querer por-se, desejar por si mesmo
peximowei peʃimowei, peʃmowei np sexual desire desejo sexual 2.6.2 Sexual relations
pexipixim peʃi-piʃ-im, peʃi-piʃ-m n greedy, egoist ganancioso peʃ-rothote, peʃi-rothote lit. strong disease (sexually ill man) (?)
pexma pemia peʃ-ma pe-mi-a vt not liking, hating, not wanting não querer, não gostar, odiar
pexmaɨ peʃ-mã-ɨ̃, peʃi-mã-ɨ̃ vt desiring, wishing, needing, wanting querendo, precisando, quiser
pexmaoin peʃ-ma-o-in, peʃi-ma-o-in v ref. if you wish, if yourself wishes se quiseres, se você mesmo quiser xapori-n, wa-t pexma-o-in weh haro-marei. Shaman, if you want, you can cure me.