Browse Ninam


perihimeperihimentapioca (starch)tapioca (amido)
perihimëkntapioca porridgemingau de tapioca
pertɨppertɨpnwife, spouseesposapertɨp-eyour wife4., wife4.1.9Kinship
pertɨpepertɨp?enhis wife, womanesposa dele, sua esposa4., wife4.1.9Kinship
pespes, pesisp. var.pesi4cfmãxtë moxokoramsikray thathakncross strings of a hammockcordas cruzadas de uma rede5.1.1.3Bed
pesi1pesidressed, wear clothesser vestido (coberto de roupa)
pesi2pesinmat, platform coveresteira
pesi3cfpɨsi1ivdull, not sharpnão corta
pesi4sp. var. ofpesMoved from Lexeme Form field
pesimakpesmak, pesimaknloincloth (female)tanga para mulher
peskavto fish
peskamoɨpeska-mo-ɨ, pesika-mo-ɨVi/Vtfishing, to fishpescar, pescando1.6.1.5Fish
pestioweipes-tio-weindance, a type of (men facing women)dança, tipo de dança, (homem cara-a-cara com mulher)
peteepete?e, pete?ɛnhis daughter, her daughter, his girlfilha dele, sua filha (dele), filha dela, sua filha (dela), daughter4.1.9Kinship
pexicfpexiipeximapeximahevdesirepeximacause to desirepeximahedesired by themantyãxi3
pexi rototepeʃi rototeadjsex greedy, strong desiredesejar muito2.6.2Sexual relations
pexiipeʃi-i, peʃicfpexiivdesire, want, wish, love, likequerer, desejar, gostarIro-n katate apë pexi-i SN.she likes bananas.
peximapeʃima, peʃmacfpexipeximahevtwantquerer, desejar, causativoantyãxi3
peximahepeʃima-hecfpexipeximavtdesired by them, they wantqueriam eles, eles querempɨk kõmiri Otek moko pexma-yomahethey all liked the girl Otek (unmarried young girl)
peximoɨpeʃimo, peʃmo-ɨv ref.want for self, self desire, egoisticquerer por-se, desejar por si mesmo
peximoweipeʃimowei, peʃmoweinpsexual desiredesejo sexual2.6.2Sexual relations
pexipiximpeʃi-piʃ-im, peʃi-piʃ-mngreedy, egoistgananciosopeʃ-rothote, peʃi-rothotelit. strong disease (sexually ill man) (?)
pexma pemiapeʃ-ma pe-mi-avtnot liking, hating, not wantingnão querer, não gostar, odiar
pexmaɨpeʃ-mã-ɨ̃, peʃi-mã-ɨ̃vtdesiring, wishing, needing, wantingquerendo, precisando, quiser
pexmaoinpeʃ-ma-o-in, peʃi-ma-o-inv ref.if you wish, if yourself wishesse quiseres, se você mesmo quiserxapori-n, wa-t pexma-o-in weh haro-marei.Shaman, if you want, you can cure me.