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xipraiʃiprainpiranha (small fish)piranha cajuCharacinidae1.6.1.5Fish
xirapkoonfish sp.pirapucu, pirarucu1.6.1.5Fish
xiraritxomkoɨʃiraritʃom-komnsugar cane sp.cana de açúcar sp.
xiratxomëʃira-tʃomnpeuphoric, sense of well-beingeufórico, sentido de bem estar
xireʃirevtbegincomeçarpɨk raɨraroɨ xirethey started screamingantrãa2
xiriankoxikʃirian-koʃiknpsmall jutai fruit sp. from the parokohi treejutaí-mirim fruto sp. da árvore parokohiFabaceae1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
xirika1ʃirikə, ʃirika GGcfmoni xirikan1yearano8.4Time8.4.1.6Year2starestrela3Pleiadesplêiade
xirika2aj-wiripo-haTim. Ad.next monthno mês que vem
xirikapɨkʃirikə pɨknstars, Pleiadesestrela, plêiades
xiripaanswallow sp.andorinha sp.
xiripariʃiriparinswallow sp.andorinha sp.Hirundinidae
xirixaʃiriʃanant sp.formiga sp.
xirixirithokʃiriʃitithokcfthoothothokëUnspec. ofthoothotho-knhammock of vine, (made with liana sp.)rede de cipó, (feita com trepadeiras)
xiro1ʃiroadvalone, only one, empty handedsó, somente, (sem nada)
xiro2ʃiroadvonlysomente, sóhei henathëhë yãrɨ ha kroke xiro kɨomathis morning there were only dark clouds in the sky
xiro3ʃiroadvalwayssempre, continuamente
xironohimov ref.live together well, liking each otherconviver bem, um com outro
xitipasiʃitipasinshell (of snail)concha (de caracol)
xito?ẽʃito?ẽivcontraction of the stomach (belly)contrair o abdômen
xitora pɨkʃitora pɨknaverms Oxiurusvermes linha, tipo Oxiurus.Lombricidae
xitorapëʃitorapə, ʃitorapnverms sp.verme sp., verme linhaLombricidae
xitxëʃitʃəVi/Vtthrow, play, (Bound root)jogar, lançar, (raíz)maamak xitxëra-aɨ(he) is throwing stones
xitxëraʃitʃɨ-ra, ʃitʃə-ravtthrow, to throw at, to shootjogar, atirar, jogar para fora, no chão?xitxëre pat wãrihik xiyɨ xaare xitxëraaɨ koroax xitxëraoin ya hẽ xamiraroyokën"throw away" "not good throw away immediately" "throw" "my head got dirty because he threw mud"
xitxoʃitʃovtto fightbrigar