2.6.6. Die

sãi2sãincold, be cold, death, obit (idiomatic)frio, ficar frio, morte, óbito (idiomático)pa sãi ke-mahe died (it was cold)2.6.6Die
hĩxrahĩʃrãdie, to die, dyingmorrer, para morrer, morrendo2.6.6Die
hɨxrãkemhɨʃ-rã-ke-mə, hɨʃ-rã-ke-mivfainted, passed out, dieddesmaiou, morreu2.6.6Die
kirii paroakiri-hi paroa, kiri-i paroadeadj.Vdie of fear, very scaredmorrer de medo, muito assustadowamak kiri-i paro-ayou're very afraid2.6.6Die
hɨpërɨhõxraohɨpərɨ-hõʃrã-õidm.die of old agemorrer de velhice2.6.6Die
wɨɨrakɨawɨɨ-ra-kɨaidm.death of a womanóbito de uma mulher2.6.6Die
ɨ̃kɨh paroav ref.to die of cryingmorrer de chorar2.6.6Die
xotehekasihaidm.death of a little girlmorte de uma menina2.6.6Die
wɨɨithaawɨi-itha-aidm.death of a womanmorte de mulher2.6.6Die
wɨɨkasiawɨɨ-kasi-a, wɨɨ-kasi-haidm.death of a womanmorte de uma mulher2.6.6Die
papemipa-pemiidm.he diedele morreupa pemi haikiaYes, he's not, (he's dead).2.6.6Die
hɨ̃xrãhɨ̃ʃrã, hɨ̃ʃɨ̃rã, hɨ̃ʃĩrãsp. var.hɨ̃xirãivdie, to die (burned?)morrer2.6.6Die
rɨorɨov ref.go-out, die outapagar-se, morreripa wak rɨ-o-ɨmy fire is going out, (it is dying).2.6.6Die
akaweheraaka-weheraidm.die of old age (idiom)morrer de velhice. GGaka wehe-rake-mahis tongue is dryaka wehe txo-mathe tongue dried up died2.6.6Die
txatoweitʃato-weiinf. nom.die, to die, dyingmorrer, morrendotxatoyoma, ai pɨkɨn kɨyo hakɨre'He's dead! The people exclaimed.2.6.6Die
rɨhɨmasihiirɨhɨmasi-hiiidm.death of a child, GGóbito de um menino2.6.6Die
wĩxiasiawaiidm.die, death, breath silentóbito, sopro silenciosowĩxia si-a wai-kemahe died, he finished his breath2.6.6Die
xotehehĩiacfxoteheidm.death of a girl, (small basket hanging GG)óbito de uma menina, (cesta pequena pendurada GG)2.6.6Die
wahɨowahɨ-ov ref.be obedient, be responsiveser obediente, ser responsável, que reage2.6.6Die
wãxiorowã-ʃiorodeadj.Vdisobedient, restless, mean, annoying, naughtydesobediente (criança), impaciente, malvadopa wã-xioro athare (atare)means to say that he is usually disobedient (children), bothering everything.2.6.6Die
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