1.5.1. Tree

rãkonahirakonahinhardwood treeárvore de madeira1.5.1Tree
wiitih naskirikëwiitih naskirikəntree rootraiz da planta1.5.1Tree
hi2hicftihtih-clfwood and treesmadeira, plantaswiiti-hiclassificador de plantas1.5.1Tree
manikoinredwood tree sp.parvore de pau vermelho sp.1.5.1Tree
thoropatanRat (lives in trees)Coro-Coro (rato de árvore)1.5.1Tree
wiitihi2wii-tihi, wi-tih, wi-tihi.ntree, wood, (generic),stick, pencilárvore (genérico), pauzinho, lápis1.5.1Tree
toxaktoʃaku, toxaknfruits of the toxa-hi treefrutas da árvore toxa-hiLeguminosae1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
tɨoɨtɨo-ɨv ref.climbing, going up (trees mountain)subindo, (serra, árvore)1.5.1Tree
apiaapianfruit of the star-apple treeabiu, fruta1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
rohorohonlizard sp. tree runnerlagarto sp. (como iguana).1.5.1Tree
hapomahihapoma-hi, hapoma-inbread-fruit tree. Rear in this area. arvore fruta-pão.Nota:m1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
piri1piriinal. pro.1body part, part of a whole as body or treethepiri poko; piri amokë; piri pihi; piri maxiapë.the arm or branch of the tree; the liver part of the body; the heart part of the bodypiri pɨthe plant (?)piri yãhithe meat (?)1.5.1Tree2body part, part of a whole as body or treeparte de um todo como corpo ou árvore
krepɨkkrepɨk, krep ɨknfruit of inga treeingá1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
manipasikntree sp.árvore sp.1.5.1Tree
anapanakana-pana-kɨ, anapanaknfruit, small edible, of the tall anapanahi treefruta pequena comestível, da arvore anapanahi1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
matxɨanahimatʃɨanahi, matʃɨhanahincocoa treecacau árvore, tapirira, copiúvaAnacardiacea1.5.1Tree
witehemowite-hemo, witi-hemonBrazil-nut treecastanha árvore1.5.1Tree
wapɨkɨwapɨkɨnfruits of the wapoko-hi treefrutas da árvore wapoko-hiLeguminosae1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
parokohiparoko-hi, parokoinhardwood tree sp.árvore sp.Caesalpiniaceae or Fabaceae ?1.5.1Tree
kaihikaĩ-hininga tree sp.ingá érvore sp.Leguminosae1.5.1Tree
txaathenakëtʃa?athenak, tʃa?athenakənroofing leaves, leaves of ubim treefolhas para telhado, folhas de ubimtxaathenak, wa henak tɨtoi kɨa ? pemi, ipa henak komini repɨ.do you have green leaves, cover straws? Not all my leaves are old.1.5.1Tree
ximɨkosʃimɨkos. ʃimɨkosinsloth (two toed) tree slothpreguiça1.5.1Tree
homhesikhom-hesikə, homo-hesiknurucuarana-mabi tree sp. PPurucuarana-mabi sp. árvoreEuphorbiaceae1.5.1Tree
momihi1nsweet pepino treepepino doce árvoreApocynaceae1.5.1Tree
kokorohikokoro-hincopaiba tree sp.copaíba-roxa árvore sp.Fabaceae1.5.1Tree
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