2.1. Body poko 1 poko cf hakoi inal. noun 1 arm braço poko; pokokë arm; arms ipa pokokë my arms. piri-poko 2.1 Body 2 branch ramo
perehe perehe, bereh cf he inal. noun head, the head (generic) cabeça, a cabça pereh rape the head is long pereh rapa-i long head pereh rape; pereh rapai a long head. 2.1 Body
nakasi nãkas, nãkasi n vulva, orifice or external part of the female genitals vulva, orificio ou parte esterna dos genitais femininos 2.1 Body
hãko hãkõ, hako cf hakërak inal. noun shoulder ombro piri hãko the shoulder 2.1 Body
sik 3 n 1 skins, skin (plural), all the skin pele, toda a pele 2.1.4 Skin 2 paper
nakë 2 na-k, na-kë cf nakxiko comp. of nakë 2 xiko inal. pro. teeth dentes 2.1 Body nakxiko comp. nahʃĩkõ cf nakë 2 xiko n teeth near each other 1.6.2 Parts of an animal
mo 1 himo n penis pênis piri mo the penis wh piritxai 1 2.1 Body
hĩithak (see also) hĩthak inal. noun hairs (plu., generic) cabelos (plural forma genérica) 2.1 Body
hĩitha inal. noun hair (sg.) hĩitha; hĩithak hair (sg.); hairs (plu., generic) 2.1 Body
hɨ̃xɨpë hɨ̃ʃɨpə, hɨ̃ʃɨp, ɨ̃ʃɨp cf hɨ̃ka hɨ̃xɨppaka hõkakpaka ɨ̃xɨpë inal. noun nose nariz, ver tambem kaho-wã hɨ̃xɨp siinipë your nose is small. piri ɨ̃xɨp xɨwë. the nose is swollen. 2.1 Body
sikoropë np rough skin, wrinkled, goose flesh pele arrepiada 2.1.4 Skin
ɨthahe ɨ̃thãhẽ inal. noun finger dedo ɨthahe; ɨthahek finger; fingers 2.1 Body
hɨ̃kak hɨ̃kãk, hũkãkə sp. var. hɨ̃kakë inal. noun nose nariz 2.1 Body
mãhehe mãhẽ-he inal. noun toe dedo do pé mãhehe; mãhehek toe; toes wh piritxai 1 2.1 Body
namtaxi nam-taʃi, nam-taʃ cf hëmtax n navel umbigo 2.1 Body
mamokë mamokə, mamok inal. noun eyes olhos 2.1 Body
makokë makokə, makok, mahkok inal. noun knee joelho txa makok nini my knees hurt 2.1 Body
siwãhɨkɨ np skin-wrinkled pele enrugada 2.1.4 Skin
oramih oramih, oramə inal. noun neck upper pescoço superior 2.1 Body
wakë 3 wakë, wak cf wakɨ 1 inal. noun leg, upper part perna, (super.) 2.1 Body
kõrona xĩhip kõrõn-ʃĩhĩp, kõrõn-ʃĩhĩpə inal. noun calf, lower leg back muscle panturrilha, barriga da perna 2.1 Body
sitɨrɨ si-tɨrɨ vt pinch, to pinch the skin dar um beliscão 2.1.4 Skin
kahikë kahik, kahikë inal. noun mouth boca piri kahikë reo big mouth pt kasi 3 kasikë wh piritxai 1 Mouth
amokhesik amok-hesik cf simos simosi inal. noun stomach estômago piri amok-hesik the stomach 2.1 Body