2.2.1. Breathe, breath hɨxiamo hɨʃia-mo huʃia-mo v ref. sigh, breath, puffing, blowing when stressed soprar quando estafado hɨxiapëk wãha-wei Sound of breath when jaded 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hɨ̃xiaɨ hɨ̃ʃĩ-a-ɨ Vi/Vt breathing respirando 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hɨ̃xi n breath, breathe (root) respiro (raiz) txa hɨ̃xi ɨkioma I came back breathing. 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽrekë hẽrek, hẽrekə n breath respiro, fôlego wa herek rothote rayo-ɨ breathe deeply once 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
tihitira lose breath?? fail, deprive.stop perder, parar fôlego 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽrekëmo hẽrẽkəmo, hərekmo v ref. breathe, to breath (one breath) respirar txa hẽrekmo-ɨ I'm breathing, I'm alive. 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽrekmowei hẽrek-mo-wei cf hẽrekhẽrekmo hɨ̃xii 1 part. breathing um que respira hẽrekmowei wãro ɨha the man breathes smoothing respiration is not good (irregular) 2.2.1 Breathe, breath 2 n breathing, breath respirando ãho hẽrekmowei wãrihikë your breathing is bad 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽrehẽremo hẽrẽhẽrẽ-mo v ref. breathe, to breathe deeply respirar profundamente. 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽrekoɨ hẽrẽ-kõ-ɨ iv breathe again respirar mais 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽrekhẽrekmo hẽrẽkhẽrẽkmo cf hẽrekmowei hɨ̃xii v ref. breathing respirando profundamente 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hẽreheremoɨ hẽrẽhẽrẽ-mo-ɨ v ref. blowing when losing breath soprar quando se perde o fôlego 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hɨ̃xɨapɨk titiawei hɨ̃ʃɨ̃-a-pɨk titi-a-wei a-nom breath (plu.) catching respiros prendendo 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
xeerexeeremo ʃe?e-re-ʃe?e-re-mo iv breathing irregular respiração irregular 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hɨ̃xɨapɨk hɨ̃ʃɨ̃-a-pɨk inal. noun breath (plu.) respiros (plural), fôlegos 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hɨ̃xia hɨʃia n breath fôlego hoithe̐he̐ txa hɨ̃xia ɨkɨra-yo-ma Now I've turned my breath, my breath 2.2.1 Breathe, breath
hɨxia n breath wãropɨk, thɨwëpɨk, yaropɨk, xirikapɨk, hɨxiapɨk men, women, ?, stars, breath 2.2.1 Breathe, breath