
haariroha?ariroadjhomesick, lonely, sadsaudade de csa, solitario, triste3.4.2.1Sad
pih nih wãriowei2pih nih wãrĩ-o-weiger-nomfeeling sadness, feeling worriedentristecendo-se, preocupando-seWãron hei tão ha-hĩri-rɨn, pih-nih wãriowei, hayohɨrɨma.The man as soon as he heard these words, getting sad and worried, went away.
pihinihwãripihnihwãriivfeeling bad, sadsentir-se mal, triste3.4.2.1Sad
pih nihwãria2pih-nih-wãri-athink-feeling-bad-active verbsadness, feel sadtristeza, sentir-se triste3.4.2.1Sad
pih aariroɨpiha?ari-ro-ɨcfnihpih aaripoɨv ref.sad, feeling sadtriste, estar triste3.4.2.1Sad
nomaɨ3noma-̈adjdespair, sadtriste, bêbedo3.4.2.1Sad
pih nihwãri paroapih nih-wãrĩ paro-aV.ph.grieve, to grieve very much, feeling very sadsentir muito, muito triste3.4.2.1Sad
nih wãri1nih wãrĩwasad, missing, sorry fortriste, falta, desculpe por3.4.2.1Sad
pih nih wãrioɨv ref.becoming sad, be worriedentristecer-se, preocupar-senih wãrioɨ, pih nih wãrioɨbe worried3.4.2.1Sad3.
nih hõrihonnih hõrĩhõnconcerned, afraid, sadpreocupado, com medo, tristetxa pih nih hõrihonI'm scared (there were a lot of people there)
pihi nihwãriipihnihwãriivfeeling bad, sadsentire-se mal, triste3.4.2.1Sad
mihehemapemmi-hehe ma-pe-midm.sinking in sadness, become sadafundar-se na tristeza (Albino)
pihi nihi wãriabe sad, to be sad, feel sadestar triste3.4.2.1Sad
pih nih wãriowei1ger-nomfeeling inner sorrow and sadness, gloom and sadsendo contrariado e triste3.4.2.1Sad
pihi nihwãripihi nihwãrivtoffend mind (memory sad)ofender a mente (triste memória)kama pihi nihwãri raromhe stayed (?)