4.1.9. Kinship yãrotxë ɲãrõ-tʃə n my husband, my spouse meu marido, meu esposo Husband, wife 4.1.9 Kinship
heri- pfx sister's husband, wife's brother marido da irmã, irmão da esposa 4.1.9 Kinship
tasi tasi, taasi n daughter's son, sister's son filho da filha, filho da irmã 4.1.9 Kinship Grandson, granddaughter
petee pete?e, pete?ɛ n his daughter, her daughter, his girl filha dele, sua filha (dele), filha dela, sua filha (dela) Son, daughter 4.1.9 Kinship
pixee 2 piʃe?e n his or her grandfather, his or her uncle vovô dele ou dela, tio dele ou dela Grandfather, grandmother 4.1.9 Kinship
yãro 4 n spouse yãro; yãrop; yãroho; yãrope; yãrotxë spouse; spouse (poss.); your spouse; her spouse; my spouse Family, clan
peamope pe-amop?e n his or her older sister irmã mais velha dele ou dela Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
pertɨp pertɨp n wife, spouse esposa pertɨp-e your wife Husband, wife 4.1.9 Kinship
pehẽe pe-hẽ?e n his or her father, father's brother (paternal uncle) pai dele ou dela, irmão do pai dele ou dela Uncle, aunt 4.1.9 Kinship
yãrope ɲãrop-e n her husband seu marido (dêla) pi-yãrop-e and her husband Husband, wife 4.1.9 Kinship
pitarɨse 2 pitarɨs-e n his or her son in-law seu genro In-law 4.1.9 Kinship
napetxa nape-tʃə, nape-tʃa cf menee 1 naahõ n my mother minha mãe naahõ your mother, mother of you. mene-e his mother kamatxa-mak nɨɨpë our mothers kahõwa-mak nɨɨpë your mother of you Father, mother 4.1.9 Kinship
pixĩape pi?ʃĩãp?e, pi?ʃiap-e n his or her younger sibling (male or female) seu/sua irmão/irmã mais novo/a dele/dela Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
tãrɨsiho tãrɨsi-ho n your grandson, nephew teu neto, sobrino tãrɨsi-ho wa nakarei, iaxo call your grandson, let's eat. 4.1.9 Kinship Grandson, granddaughter
tɨɨsi tɨ?ɨ-si, tɨɨ-sə n daughter, niece, younger sibling, granddaughter niece filha, sobrinha, irmã mais nova e neta ipa tɨɨsi my daughter Son, daughter 4.1.9 Kinship Nephew, niece
ami ami (stress on the [a]) n sister, vocative for older sister irmã mais velha, (vocativo) amitxë my older sister amihõ your older sister peamop-é his older sister Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
xowa 2 ʃowa, ʃwa- sp. var. xwa- n mother's brother, mother's father, wife's father (never pronounced without the possessive pronoun) tio materno, avô materno, sogro (não se pronuncia sem o pronome posessivo) Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
awëhõ awə-hõ n your older brother teu ou seu irmão mais velho Brother, sister 4.1.9 Kinship
pɨse check n his uncle (mother's brother) tio (materno) Uncle, aunt 4.1.9 Kinship
tasim tasim n niece, sister's daughter sobrinha, filha da irmã 4.1.9 Kinship Nephew, niece
txiha 2 tᶘiha n granddaughter, daughter in-law, daughter of brother, daughter of sister nora, neta, sobrinha (filha do irmão - mulher falando, ou filha da irmã - homem falando) 4.1.9 Kinship Grandson, granddaughter