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akathakaka-thakakthak *inal. nounthroat, inside mouth [tongue make]garganta, (lit. base da língua)
akathakhorotopaka-thak-horotopinal. nountonsilstonsilas, amigdalas
akatotehiaka-toteti, ak-totihicfwãha totihiivgood words, speaking wellfalar bem, palavras boas
akaweheraaka-weheraidm.die of old age (idiom)morrer de velhice. GGaka wehe-rake-mahis tongue is dryaka wehe txo-mathe tongue dried up died2.6.6Die
akaxaariaaka-ʃaari-a, ak-ʃaari-aivstrait talkfalar bem, direito, clarohei waron, ak-xaaria.This is a man of integrity.
akaxiakaʃinsharp pointponta agudawiitih akaxi-nwith the pointed stick
akehɨrɨɨake-hɨrɨ-ɨvtleaving behind, go and leave behind s.t.deixar atrás, ir deixando algo atráskamatxamak-ën thëk komini akehɨrɨma.we all left.
akethahɨaake-tha-hɨ-avttear a strip of cloth, (casual speech)rasgar um pedaço de pano ou tecido
akënakənhakëndial. var.hakënfr. var.hakëncfãkënhakëndial. var. offr. var. ofakënEvid.certainly, witness by speaker, indeedcertamente, (o falante evidenciou, mesmo)Maria-n ipa karitasi tɨrɨkem hakën.(said that) Maria actually wrote my book.
akhatxioɨak hatxio-ɨ to talkcapaz de falar'aka hatxioɨanother time
akhatxiratxoɨak hatʃiratʃo-ɨpredbecame able to talkcapaz de aprender a falaraka-hatxira-txom.You learned to talk.
akhiraaka-hiraak-hiranpwise word, wise tonguepalavra sábia, língua sábia
akhɨreak-hɨrenpheavy tongue, difficult speech, forgetlíngua pesada, fala com dificuldade, esquecertxa aka hɨre-ra-txo-ma.My tongue got heavy, I forgot.
akhorerecfakaporaaximonpaphtheae, thrush, child diseasesapinho, ter sapinhos. lingua com afta2.5.2Disease
akhototeak-hototeak-hototinpshort-tongue, doesn't speak muchlíngua curta, fala poucoak-hotote txaro, ninam notha-wei pemi.his tongue too short, the person does not scold.
akmitxaoak-mitʃaonptongue clever, wisdomlíngua sábia, sabedoriakahon txa ak-mitxawe hira-he, wa ak hira-ma.You gave me a wise language, you taught me.
akoakontrough, wood container for drink, looks like a small canoecoxo, recipiente para bebida, forma de canoa pequena
akopaakopanfish sp.tamboata, pescado1.6.1.5Fish
akporepëaka-porepə, ak-porepivstutter, to stutter, speaks badlygaguejar, balbuciar, falar mal
akrapeak-rape, (ak-rapa)nplong tongue, angry, scolding otherlíngua comprida, zangado, iradoaka rapa thehe, notha wei.when the tongue is elongated he is fighting with another.
akwãhaɨak-wãha-ɨivsounding with the tonguesoando com a língua
akwãhamoɨak-wãha-mo-ɨ, aka-wãha-moɨcaus/reflclicking with the tonguebatendo a língua, estalido com a lingua
akwãhaweyak-wãha-weiinf. nom.a click with the tongue, to sound with tongueo som do bater a língua, som com a língua, clique
amahiama-hintree, hard wood tree sp.árvore, madeira dura1.5.1Tree
amahihɨmoamahi-hɨmonfruit of the amahi treefruta da árvore amahiCaesalpiniaceae1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant

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