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ĩiriĩĩrĩ, ĩ?ĩrĩivroost, perch (birds)empoleirar, pousar (aves)
ĩkaɨĩkã-ɨivlaughingrindo, está rindo3.5.6.4Laugh
ĩkari1ĩkãrĩimmediately, fast, strong, with effortlogo, depressa, imediatamente
ĩkari2ĩkãrĩ, ɨ̃kariadjloud, strongforte, falar altoĩkari-n wa wãha-ɨspeak loudly with you-cont. (speak loudly please)antwaxixo
ĩkari në rërëamaɨĩkãrĩ-nə rərəama-ɨvtforcing the motorforçar o motor
ĩkarinɨĩkãrĩn, ĩkãrĩnɨ̃adv,Vhard, fast with strengthforça, com forçaĩkarin wa-t hiriri-iyou pull hard
ĩkikiĩkĩkĩkĩkĩnarrow GGestreito
ĩkoxiĩkõʃĩngnat sp. very small daytime gnat or mosquitopium, catuquim
ĩraamaĩrã-amacfxamiamaɨvtcontaminate, to contaminatecontaminar
ĩrakĩrãk, ĩrãkənshelf, shelvesprateleira, estanteipa ĩrak wa thakei, hemetxik txa arapoweimine shelf you make (imp.), remedies I put on
ĩraravtleave, to leave thingsdeixar, deixar coisasthë ĩrara-rema, itxë-hahe left things here on the floor.
ĩriiĩrĩ-iVi/Vtplaying, have funbrincando, alegria
ĩrikĩrĩknbee sp.jandaíra, abelha
ĩrikiɨpĩrĩki-ɨpnhoney, bee liquidmel
ĩrikinaĩrĩkinanbee, black smallabelha preta pequena
ĩriknas1ĩrĩknas, ĩrĩkinasnbee wax, resincera de abelha
ĩriknas2nbee resin, glueresina de abelha
ĩrimoĩrĩ-mov ref.playing, to be joking (anaphoric)brincando, estou brincando
ĩrimoɨĩrĩ-mo-ɨv ref.playing, to be playing (football)jogando (futebol)
ĩrimoweiĩrimõwẽĩinf. nom.joke, a joke, jokinglevar na brincadeira
ĩrimowei thë txakrëmarepɨ the game...?perder o jogo
ĩriweyinf., to play, playingbrincar, brincando, brincadeira
ĩroaɨĩrõ-a-ɨivflee (on foot)fugir
ĩthakhɨheraidm.death (of somebody) GGmorte (de alguém), óbitoyamak ĩthak hɨhe-rayo-mawe wiped our hands (he died).

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