Nkonya - English



ɔblɩ1ɔblɪ̂ʔ(L) dial. var.ɛblɩSn.1a languageNkonya ɔblɩ gyi ɔtsan ha Nhuan. The Nkonya language is different from Ewe.3.5.3Language2specch; talkingcomp.oblikpinioblique reference
ɔblɩ2ɔblɪpl.mblɩn.a tube from a certain grass used in palm wine tapping to allow the sap to drain into a potƆblɩ bʋtɔpʋ tin ɔbɛ pʋ wa ibuntɔ, mɛnɩ nta bénya ɔkpa wie ibuntɔ wanklaan.A tube is used to connect pot to the palm tree, so that the palm wine will pass through it into the pot.1.5.5Parts of a plant5. preparation
ɔblɩnɔblɪ̃ʔdial. var.ɔblɩ3Nadj.thin, used of porridgesMɩ konkonte amʋʋ ndewuli amʋ lada ɔblɩn, sʋ nɩ fʋbʋ nfuo a, ha mɩ kʋ. My cassava porridge that I am stirring has become too thin so if you have flour, give me some.Antpithicken1.2.3.1Liquid
ɔblɔɔblɔ́ʔ n.angerTsufɛ ɔblɔ mɛ́ɛha mlɩmɔ́ɔbwɛ atɔ wanklaan ánɩ́ Bulu dedunka tsu mlɩ wa. Because anger will not enable you to do the good things God is looking for from you.nya ɔblɔbe angryKebi amʋ mʋ sɩ lanya ɔblɔ wa mʋ, tsufɛ kebi amʋ dɛ asʋtɔ ɔlɩn wa.The child's father has become angry with him because the child is being disobedient.Makpɛ mɩ mblɩ, mɛnɩ mméenya ɔblɔ wa fʋ.Don't irritate me so that I won't get angry with you.ɔblɔlaph. v.nya ɔblɔget angry
ɔblɔlader. ofɔblɔ-lav.taunting3.
ɔbɔ1ɔbɔ adj.fullHa mɩ ɔwɛ ɔbɔ. Give me a full calabash full.Synbʋla1 1fill8.1.8Full
ɔbɔ2ɔbɔ́ pl.mbɔn.holefuli ɔbɔgrave (until filled in)Ɔkɔtɔ tetsia ɔbɔtɔ. Crabs live in holes.Gota amʋtɔ lada ɔbɔ sʋ ntsu amʋ dɛ kpayi mʋ́tɔ.The gutter has made a hole so the water lands in it.1.6.5Animal home7.8.5Make hole, openingcomp.ibwi ɔbɔtɔcave
ɔbɔpʋɔbɔpʊ(L) pl.abɔpʋn.messengerAnɩlɔwa ɔbɔpʋ mʋ wa ánɩ́ ɔba, tsufɛ asʋn laba. We sent a messenger (child) to him that he should come because a case has come up., messagecomp.Bulu ɔbɔpʋangel
ɔbranɩɔbranɪ (H)pl.abranɩn.a very large man (not necessarily tall)8.2Big2Person
ɔbʋatɔɔbʊátɔʔ n.frying pan- a thing used in fryingBʋa atɔ amʋ ɔbʋatɔ amʋtɔ. Fry the things in the frying pan. utensil
ɔbʋkɔɔbʊkɔn.breast bone6.3.6Poultry raising1.6.2.1Parts of a bird
ɔbʋn1ɔbʊ̃́ʔ(H)pl.abʋnn.a streamƆbʋntɔ ntsu bʋ anunlɛ.Stream water is good to drink.
ɔbʋn2ɔbʊ̃n.gather around in order to question a person in a serious case or to pour libationNotsutsua yɔ ɩnʋ a, bada ɔbʋn wa owikplu amʋ bʋdɛ mʋ asʋn fɩtɛ.Before I went there, they have gathered around the thief and were asking him questions., assemblycomp.da ɔbʋngather around
ɔbʋnkpabiɔbʊŋ͡mk͡pabipl.abʋnkpabider. ofbʋnkpa-bin.a small streamNyankpʋ tswie brɛ a, ɔbʋnkpabi fa bʋ alɛ dʋn bʋnkpa yile fa, tsufɛ ntsu tomoni bʋnkpa yiletɔ dʋn ɔbʋnkpabitɔ.It is easier to cross a brook in the raining season than to cross a big stream, because water flows very much than in a brook.
ɔbʋnsamɔbʊnsám pl.abʋnsamFrom:Akanɔbʋnsamn.Satan; evil spiritƆhagyiɔha ánɩ́ ɔtɔbwɛ lalahɛ a, ɔbʋnsam mʋ bi ogyi. Every person that does evil, is Satan's child.cfɔŋɛ lalahɛevil spirit4.9.7.2Christianity4.9.4.2Demon possession4.9.2Supernatural being4.9.7.3Islam
ɔbwataɔbʷata(H)pl.mbwatan.a weaver's shuttleTati ɔlʋpʋ amʋ ɔbwata layɩnta, sʋ alasi atati lʋ.The weaver's shuttle has spoiled, so he has stopped weaving.6.7Tool6.6.1.4Weaving cloth
ɔbwɩɔbʷɪ(H) dial. var.ɛbwɩSpl.mbwɩn.an animal; non-human animate thingƆbwɩ ɔkʋ dɛ mɩ atɔ yinta. A certain animal is spoiling my things.1.6Animalcomp.pututɔ ɔbwɩanimalwoyitɔ ɔbwɩtame animal
ɔdaɔdaʔ pl.ndan.jawAwú amʋʋ́ nadun bwie amʋ bʋ ɔnlɩn dʋbɩ, sʋ mɩ ɔda dɛ mɩ dwiin. The bones I have bitten and broke were too strong so my jaw is aching me.2.1.1Head
ɔdadʋwaɔdadʊwa(H)pl.ndadʋwan.fishing line with hooksFɔpʋ ɔtsabi yi ɔdadʋwa ɔnɔ a, fɛ́lɛ iye yile.If you bait a hook with a small fish you will catch a big fish.Fɔpʋ ndadʋwa sian ɔfɛsʋ a, fówun fapʋ ɔtsabi yi mʋ́ ɔnɔ pʋ wa ntsutso. Fanatɩ ɔyɩkɛhɛ fayɛlɛ mʋ́. Mʋ́ bʋtɔpʋ lɛ akuabi aná nɩ.When you hang hooks on a line then you bait them with small fish and put them in the water, so that you will go out in the morning and remove it. They use it to catch akuabi and other large fish..cfasawufishing netawʋlɛnet6.4.5.3Fishing equipment
ɔdakpokpo1ɔdak͡pok͡poSdial. var. ofklɛkpakpa1woodpecker
ɔdakpokpo2ɔdak͡pok͡podial. var.klɛkpakpa2Npl.ndakpokpon.woodpeckerƆdakpokpo gyon oyisʋ.The woodpecker is perched on the tree.
ɔdandʋɔdandʊ pl.ndandʋn.tongueƆhaa tamatalɩ kɩta ɔdandʋ otsia diin kɩ. No one can control his tongue.3.5.3Language2.1.1.4Mouth