ɔhandɛɔhandɛʔdial. var.ɔhandɛnSpl.ahandɛn.elderOyin anfɩ a, ɔhandɛ ogyi, tsufɛ aladan dʋn mɩ.This man (here), is an elder, because he is older than me."Ahandɛ iwu tamaba bia." Mʋ́ asɩ gyisɛ, kebi tamadʋn ɔhandɛ."Elders bone is not easy to break. " The meaning is that, a child is never greater than an elder.4.5.1Person in authoritycomp.osun ɔhandɛclan head
ɔhɩɛnɔhɪ̃́ɛ̃́ʔn.incenseBɔpʋ ɔhɩɛn amʋ wa ogya amʋtɔ a, mʋ́ ogyasi amʋ lɛha obu amʋtɔ lɔwa ɔfan.They put the incense on the fire, its smoke makes the room smell nice.2.3.4Smell
ɔkabaɔkabápl.akaban.co-wifeƆkaba gyi mɩ kulu mʋ ka nyɔsɩ.A co-wife is my husband's second wife.Akaba abi bʋtobwie woyi, tsufɛ bʋtɛprɩ agyapadɩɛ.Children of rivals destroy a house because they struggle for properties. by marriage
ɔkandaɔkanda(H)comp. ofɔkanda11n.to make something publicly knownBʋdɛ anɩ Mateo ɔwʋlʋ ɔnwalɛ amʋ ɔkan da.They are announcing the lunching of our book of Matthew.
ɔkasɩkpaɔkasɪ́k͡páder. ofkasɩ 2n.a place to learn thingsKwasi lahɔ nfi sie mʋ́ sʋ ofieba ɔbɔyɔ atɔ ɔkasɩkpa.Kwasi is six years old, and so he will go school next year.cfsukuuschool3.6.2School
ɔkasɩpʋɔkasɪ́pʊ́pl.akasɩpʋder. ofkasɩ 2ɔ- -pʋn.a person who imitatesƆkasɩpʋ gyi ɔha ánɩ́ ɔtɛkasɩ mʋ wie, lɩan mʋ.A disciple is a person who imitates his master to resemble him.Akristofɔ bʋbwɛ Yesu akasɩpʋ mɛnɩ bɛ́lɩan Mʋ.Christians should be disciples of Jesus in order to resemble Him., be a disciple3.2.2Learn
ɔkasʋɔkasʊ(H)pl.akasʋn.edge; besideMmeyin ntsu pɩtɩ, sʋ mʋ́ akasʋ nɔtsʋn yɔ woyi.I don't know how to swim so I passed along the edge of it (the river) to the house.8.6.6Edge
ɔkɛ1ɔkɛ (H)timetomorrowƆkɛ gyi Kwasieda.Tomorrow is Sunday.Ɔkɛ gyi nfɩ obiakɛ.Tomorrow will be market day here.Ɔkɛ Yaoda gyi nfɩ obiakɛ.Tomorrow, which is Thursday, will be market day here.Ɔbɔ́yɔ ndɔ ɔkɛ.S/He will go to farm tomorrow.cfigyeyesterdayɩnwɛ 1day before yesterdayɩnwɛ 2last (day)klaɛ 1day after tomorrowndɛtoday8., today, tomorrow8.4.6.4Futurecomp.ɔkɛtɔ asʋn
ɔkɛkɛɔkɛkɛ́pl.nkɛkɛn.small brown grasshopper with long legsSuborder: CaeliferaƆkɛkɛ amʋ gyon buntisʋ, batɛ lofuli ánɩ́ ɔkɩta mʋ alɩ a, olotu si mʋ.The grasshopper was perched on the wall, a chicken flew in order to catch him so, he took off and left him.cfgbablamagrasshopper1.6.1.7Insect