nyɔpʋ1ɲɔ́pʊ́v.suck at breastKebi amʋ dɛ mʋ yín nyɔpʋ dʋbɩ.The child is suckling it's mother too much.Mbwɩ akʋ ɛ bʋtonyɔpʋ amʋ́ ayín.Some animals also suck their mothers. for a babycomp.tɩn nyɔpʋwean
nyɔpʋ2ɲɔ́pʊʔ(L)pl.anyɔpʋn.breastƆtsɩgyiɔtsɩ bʋ anyɔpʋ.Every woman has breasts.Ayin akʋ ɛ anyɔpʋ lomoni.Some men also have big breasts.Obitebi anyɔpʋ tɛlɩɩ tɩntɩ.A young woman's breasts stand tall (don't sag) organs2.1.2Torsocomp.nyɔpʋ ntsumilk, breast
nyɔsɩɲɔ́ːsɪ́adj.secondKapʋ amʋʋ bɛ́kapʋ sukuufɔ abi amʋ́a, Augustinɩ legyi onyɔsɩ nɩ.The school children that were been tested, it was Augustine that was the second. numbers
nywɛɲʷɛ̃́ʔv.to light somethingAlanywɛ ɔkandɩɛ yaɩ obuto.He has lit the lantern and put it in the room.Obu amʋtɔ loklun, sʋ nonywɛ ɔkandɩɛ amʋ.The room became dark so I lit the lantern/light.8.3.3Light