nkɛtɩŋkɛ́tɪcnj.unlessNkɛtɩ nayɔ ndɔtɔ asa nenya atogyihɛ.Unless I go to farm before I will get food.Nkɛtɩ Kofi laba asa abɔyɔ?Unless Kofi has come we will not go?Nɩ ɔtsɩ mʋa oyin bɛtalɩ tsia aba nkɛtɩ ɔdwɛ bʋ amʋ́ nsɩnɛ.Unless there is love between a man and a woman they can't marry.
nkla1ŋklan.blood spilled on the groundNkla ɩwʋlɩ asɩ a, asʋn laba.If blood is shed then it's a serious case.Synobugyablood2.2.5Bleed, blood
nkla2ŋklan.messageBapʋ nkla sɩsɩ mɩ ánɩ́ mba.They sent me a message that I should come.Nótu ɔkpa, sʋ nɛyɛkla mɩ nyawie amʋ. Fialɩ ɔbɔ́pʋ nkla ha mɩ nɔ́pʋ ya mʋ apio.I will travel, so I am going to notify my friend. Perhaps he will give me a message to take to his brothers., message
nklobitɔŋklobítɔ́ʔadv.say under your breath; not intended for others to hearKebi amʋ dɛtɔɩ nklobitɔ.The child is talking to himself under his breath.cfagyɩnawhisper3. quietly