Soil, dirt

isinisĩ́ʔ (H)n.1termite moundAbaba bʋtɔpwɛ isin tsia mʋ́tɔ, bʋtɔkwɛ atɛ.Termites sculpt mounds and live in it. They sprout wings.Afio, mʋ́ nwun lɛtɛɩ. Mʋ́ oyi bʋswɩ. Ɩtɔwa ɔdwɛ oputsutɔ. Bʋtɛkaka mʋ́ wa oputsutɔ, ɩtɔkwɛ isinsʋ.Afio, it's head is wide. It's stalk is long. It makes soup sweet. They chop it up into soup. It grows in a termite mound.Bʋtamalɩɩ isinsʋ tsii kpasi.They never stand on an ant hill and gossip about kpasi. wild plantsIdiom:kwɛ dɩnka isinsʋfortunate2clay from termite mound used for pottery & hearths1.2.2.1Soil, dirt6.6.2.4Working with clay
ɩsɩɪsɪ (H) n.dirtAfu latsʋn ɩsɩ wa mɩ atogyihɛtɔ. Wind has blown dirt into my food.Synɔsʋlʋtɔgroundcfŋɛsɩ1 1sandosublusandotutudustɔtsatsagravel1.2.2.1Soil, dirtcomp.ɩsɩ tsɩahɛmortar (masonry)
obonobṍʔdial. var.ebonSn.the kind of clay used to make potteryObon bʋtɔpʋ pwɛ nlɛpɛ mʋ́a nlanka aná.They use obon clay to make clay dishes, pots and others.Obon ma anɩ Nkonya nfɩ, Fesi aná fénya mʋ́ nɩ. Nɩ bɔpwɛ ta a, bʋtɔtɔ mʋ́, tamɛ ɩtamabwiebwie.Clay is not in Nkonya here, you will find them in Fesi area. When they finish sculpting, they fire them but they never break into pieces., dirt6.6.2.4Working with clay
osubluosublúʔ(L) n.sandOsublu anɩgyi (repeat). Osublu amʋ abɛ́ladamli nɩ. We are sand. It is sand we will change back to.Nyebi bʋteplei osublutɔ.Children play in the sand.Osublu amʋ ma alɛ ha obu amʋ pwɛ.The sand is not good for building.cfɩsɩdirtŋɛsɩ1 1sand1.2.2.1Soil, dirt6.5.3Building materials
otutuotútûʔ n.dustNsaɩntɔ lawʋlɩ dʋbɩ, sʋ otutu bʋ ɔkpa amʋtɔ. The weather is very dry so the road is dusty.cfɩsɩdirt1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
ɔdɩbatɔɔdɪbatɔn.muddy placeƖka wɩhɛ tɔwa alɛ ɔdɩbatɔ. Sugar cane does well in muddy place.Natsʋn ɔdɩbatɔ sʋ mɩ ayabi asɩ lawa nyanya.I passed through a muddy place so my feet aren't clean.cfɔdɩbamud1.2.2.1Soil, dirt1.3.3Wet
ɔdɩbaɔdɪba n.mudcfɔdɩbatɔmuddy place1.2.2.1Soil, dirt1.3.3Wet
ɔsɩpaɔsɪpan.dirt1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
ɔsʋlʋtɔɔsʊlʊ́tɔder. ofɔsʋlʋ-tɔ 2n.ground; dirtNyebi ɩwɩ tɔkpɔɩ, tsufɛ bʋteplei ɔsʋlʋtɔ dʋbɩ.Children become dirty because they play on the ground too much.Owi lalɩn dʋbɩ, sʋ ɔsʋlʋtɔ lablɩ ogya. The sun has shone brightly so the ground has become hot.Synɩsɩdirt1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
ɔtsatsaɔt͡sat͡saʔn.gravel, usually lateriteNɩ bekpi ɔkpa amʋ wʋlɩ ɔtsatsa mʋ́sʋ, bʋmɔwʋlɩ kootaa mʋ́sʋ a, ɩbɔ́wa ɔsa yinta. If they scrape the road, pour gravel on it, but don't put asphalt on it, it will quickly spoil.cfɩsɩdirt1.2.2.2Rock1.2.2.1Soil, dirt