2.1.2. Torso

abɩnabɪ̃ʔn.a person's sideabɩn gyi tsu fʋ klɛtɔ bɔfʋn fʋ ɔmɛtɔ.Your side goes from your armpit to your abdomen.2.1.2Torso8.5.1.2Besidecomp.abɩn iwuribder.abɩntɔside
abɩn iwucontr.abɩnwucomp. ofabɩniwun.rib boneNɩ fʋ abɩnwu ibia a, fʋmɛkɩ wanklaan fówu.If your rib breaks and you don't take care, you will die.2.1.6Bone, joint2.1.2Torso
abɩntɔabɪ̃ntɔ(H)der. ofabɩn-tɔ 2n.the side of a person or a thingBapʋ ɔdayi amʋ wɔ ɔprakuo amʋ abɩntɔ.They have stabbed the side of the pig with the knife.Obia amʋ tse ɔswɩ amʋ abɩntɔ.The stool is beside the hearth.Ntsu amʋ ɩna ɩbʋ amʋ abɩntɔ.The stream passes beside the mountain.2.1.2Torso8.5.1.2Beside
aklodobiaklodobí (H)dial. var.aklolʋɩSn.herniaNɩ fʋbʋ aklodobi a fʋtamatalɩ yɔ agyuma kʋkʋ.If you have a hernia, you can't do any work.cfɩlʋɩhernia2.5.6.3Swell2.1.2Torso
gedefegedéfen.the small of the back2.1.2Torso8.6.1.1Back
ipuipu (H)pl.apun.1stomachNyimɛ ɔbwɩ amʋ ipu amʋ wʋlɩ pututɔ tsutsuutsu, mɛnɩ móobon ba woyitɔ.Squeeze out the animals stomach far away in the bush so that the stench will not come to the house.cfɔmɛ́ 2womb2.1.8.2Stomach2abdomenAtsɩ benya ɔmɛ a, amʋ́ apu tomoni. Pregnant women have big stomachs.Women who get pregnant, their abdomens are always large.2.1.8Internal organs2.1.2Torso
ɩba3ɪba(H) pl.aba3n.shoulder; includes the upper arm, shoulder and shoulder blade; forward haunch of an animalNɩ fʋ dɛpʋ bɩ yɔ agyʋma kinkin a, fʋ ɩbatɔ todwiin fʋ. If you work hard with your arm your shoulder will pain you.cfɩta2shouldernkantashoulder2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
ɩta2ɪtaʔ n.top of shoulderNɔpʋ ogyatin amʋ dɩnka ɩta ba woyitɔ. I carried a stick of firewood home on my shoulder.cfɩba3shoulder2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
kantɔkã́ntɔ́ (H) n.chestMlɩ mapʋ ɩbɩ si kantɔ blɩ mlɩya anyansafɔ pʋ́ aha wanklaan mlɩ gyi. Don't boast and say you are wise, fine people.Don't tap your chests with your hand and say that you are wise ones and fine people.2.1.2Torso
ndakabindakabin.a breast that does not lie downAkosua bʋ ndakabi anyɔpʋ fɛ mʋ yín.Akosua has a standing breast like the mother. organs2.1.2Torso
nkantaŋkanta n.top of the shoulder; where one carries a load; used of humans onlyBʋ totsu nyebi dɩnka nkanta. They put babies over their shoulders.cfɩba3shoulder2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Armcomp.nkanta iwushoulder blade
nkanta iwuŋkanta iwúcomp. ofnkantaiwun.shoulder bladeYibi amʋʋ lɛlɛ Kwame da amʋsʋ mʋ nkanta iwu lebia.The accident caused Kwame's shoulder blade to break.2.1.6Bone, joint2.1.2Torso
nkɔnkɔŋkɔŋkɔ(H)n.on the shouldersBʋ tsu mʋ wa nkɔnkɔ tsufɛsɛ alagyi sʋ.They carried him on their shoulders because he has won.2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
nyɔpʋ2ɲɔ́pʊʔ(L) pl.anyɔpʋn.breastƆtsɩgyiɔtsɩ bʋ anyɔpʋ. Every woman has breasts.Ayin akʋ ɛ anyɔpʋ lomoni.Some men also have big breasts.Obitebi anyɔpʋ tɛlɩɩ tɩntɩ. A young woman's breasts stand tall (don't sag) organs2.1.2Torsocomp.nyɔpʋ ntsumilk, breast
opuluopulu(H) pl.mpulu2n.navelNɩ bɔkwɩɩ nyebi, bʋmɛkɩ amʋ́ opulu wanklaan a, bʋtenya ɔmɛtɔ ɩlɔ. If they birth children and don't look after their navel well they will get abdominal illness.2.1.2Torsocomp.opulu ɔfɛumbilical cord
opuni1opúniʔ contr.punin.1wombtsii opuni sick feeling in the pit of your stomachuproot your intestineNonu asʋn amʋ a, opuni letsii mɩ. I heard the matter and my intestine uprooted me.When I heard about it, I was startled.2.1.8Internal organs2.1.2Torso2intestinespl.mpuniintestinescomp.tsii opunistartle
opulu ɔfɛopulu ɔ́fɛ́comp. ofopuluɔfɛ1n.umbilical cordBʋmɛ́ɛkɩ kebi bɔbwɛ amʋ opulu ɔfɛ amʋsʋ wanklaan mʋ́sʋ odewu nɩ.They did not care for the child's umbilical cord well that is why she is dying.2.6.3Birth2.1.2Torso2.6.3.2Fetus
osietɔosíétɔ́ʔ unspec. var.osien.circumference of the waistƆtsɩ amʋ dɩdɩ abuto mʋ osiesʋ. The woman tied beads about her waist.Gyata amʋ osietɔ gyi lekeleke. The lion's waist is very slender.2.1.2Torso
ɔmaɔma dial. var.ɛmaSn.1back of the bodyWɔlɩ mɩ ɔma ha mɩ, tsufɛ mɩ ɩbɩ mɔ́ɔfʋn ɩnʋ. Scratch my back for me because my hand will not reach there.Si mʋ ɔmagya. Don't mind him.2.1.2Torsocomp.ɔma oyibispine2olr rear of someone3the place one has returned to7.2.3.6Return4afterwardscfɔmagyafollow8. ɔmalate
ɔmɛ́ɔmɛ́ dial. var.ɛmɛ́Sn.1belly2.1.8Internal organs2.1.2Torso2wombcfipu 1stomachɔmɛ́tɔbelly2.1.8.4Female organs3pregnancyƆtsɩ amʋ dɛ ɔmɛ́. The woman is pregnant.conceiveMʋ kulu laha mʋ ɔmɛ́. Her husband has made her pregnant.ɛ ɔmɛabortnya ɔmɛ́conceiveIdiom:ɔmɛ́ ladanpregnancy term
ɔmɛsɩɔmɛsɪ(H)n.abdomenNɩ atsɩ akʋ bɔyɔ ɩbla a, ɔmɛsɩ todwiin amʋ́.When some women have their menstrual period, they have abdominal pains.2.1.8Internal organs2.1.2Torso
ɔmɛ́tɔɔmɛ́tɔn.bellycfɔmɛ́ 2womb2.1.2Torsocomp.ɔmɛ́tɔ kinausea
ɔtan1ɔtãʔ pl.ntan1n.1centre pole of a hut6.5.2Parts of a building6.6.3Working with wood2ridgepole of a modern houseMɩ obu ɔtan labia, sʋ mpalɩ amʋ lakpakpada. My house's ridgepole has broken so the rafters have fallen down.6.5.2Parts of a building3pillar of building6.5.2Parts of a building4backbone; spinecfɔma oyibispine2.1.6Bone, joint2.1.2Torsocomp.ɔtansʋ imimane
tsan1t͡sãʔ(L) v.hang from shoulderAlatsan kotokua. He has hung a bag from his shoulder.7.3.1Carry2.1.2Torso