
ɩba3ɪba(H) pl.aba3n.shoulder; includes the upper arm, shoulder and shoulder blade; forward haunch of an animalNɩ fʋ dɛpʋ bɩ yɔ agyʋma kinkin a, fʋ ɩbatɔ todwiin fʋ. If you work hard with your arm your shoulder will pain you.cfɩta2shouldernkantashoulder2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
ɩbɩɪbɪʔ contr.3n.1handAkwasua bʋ swɩ dʋn Mansa klɛ. Akwasua's hand is longer than Mansa's.ɩbɩ kɛtsɛwithered handwa ɩbɩshake handsIdiom:bia ɩbɩmenstruatepʋ ɩbɩ wa ayatɔph. v.pʋ ɩbɩ datouch2arm, from shoulder down, including the hand
ɩbɩ kɛtsɛcomp. ofkɛtsɛkɛtsɛɩbɩ 1n.a crippled, withered hand8.2.1Small2.5.4Disabled2.1.3.1Arm
ɩbɩtataɪbɪtata contr.bɩtatan.hand; includes wristAha ánɩ́ bakɩta krantɩɛ wa ɔpá a, amʋ́ bɩtatatɔ tɔwa ɔlɩn. Those that have used a cutlass for a long time, their palms become hard.Pʋ fʋ bɩtata da ɩkwɛ amʋ kʋklʋ. Hit the drum hard with your palm.cfɩbɩtatatɔpalmɔbɩmaback of hand2.1.3.1Arm
ɩbɩtatatɔɪbɪtatatɔn.palm of the handƆbɩma mɛ́ɛtali kɩta atɔ fɛ ɩbɩtatatɔ. The back of the hand will not be able to grasp things like the palm can.Elders can handle cases better than the youths.cfɩbɩtatahand2.1.3.1Arm
ɩta2ɪtaʔ n.top of shoulderNɔpʋ ogyatin amʋ dɩnka ɩta ba woyitɔ. I carried a stick of firewood home on my shoulder.cfɩba3shoulder2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
ɩtswɛɪt͡sʷɛʔpl.atswɛcontr.tswɛ10n.fist; knuckleWɔ mʋ tswɛ.Punch him.Kunta tswɛ.Make a fist.
klɛtɔklɛ́tɔ n.the hollow place under your arm where your arm joins your bodyAtɔ lada mɩ klɛtɔ, sʋ mmɛtswɩ mɩ ɩbɩ wanklaan. I have a boil in my armpit so I can't swing my arm well.
nkantaŋkanta n.top of the shoulder; where one carries a load; used of humans onlyBʋ totsu nyebi dɩnka nkanta. They put babies over their shoulders.cfɩba3shoulder2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Armcomp.nkanta iwushoulder blade
nkɔnkɔŋkɔŋkɔ(H)n.on the shouldersBʋ tsu mʋ wa nkɔnkɔ tsufɛsɛ alagyi sʋ.They carried him on their shoulders because he has won.2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm
omlewuomlewuʔ dial. var.emlewuSpl.mmlewun.elbowOmlewusʋ ɔlɔ bʋ ɔsɩn. The sore on the elbow is painful.Alɩ amʋʋ omlewusʋ ɔlɔ bʋ ɔsɩn amʋ a, alɩ kɛn kpawunusʋ ɔlɔ ɛ bʋ ɔsɩn nɩ.As a sore on the elbow is painful, so a sore on the knee is also painful.
ɔbɩmaɔbɪmâʔ pl.mbɩman.back of the handBʋtamapʋ ɔbɩma da ɔha oswie.They don't slap someone with the back of the hand.Ɔbɩma mɛ́ɛtali kɩta atɔ fɛ ɩbɩtatatɔ. The back of the hand will not be able to grasp things like the palm can.Elders can handle cases better than the youths.cfɩbɩtatahand2.1.3.1Arm
ɔbɩlɔɔbɪlɔʔ(L)dial. var.ɛbɩlɔSpl.mbɩlɔn.handful8.1.3.2Few, little2.1.3.1Arm
ɔbɩwɛtɔɔbɪwɛtɔ(H)pl.mbɩwɛtɔunspec. var.ɔbɩwɛn.wristƆtsɩ amʋ lɔwa abuto mʋ ɔbɩwɛtɔ. The woman put beads on her wrist.