3.5.1. Say

ablɩlɛablɪ́lɛ́(L) adj.easy to sayƆhagyiɔha wulutɔ ɔblɩ bʋ mʋ ablɩlɛ. Everyone's own language is easy for him to speak., possible3. well
adabiadábi n.appellation for drummingNɩ bʋdɛ atumpa da, ɔhandɛn ɔkʋ dɛtsʋn a, bʋtɛda mʋ adabi pʋ tɩ mʋ. If they are beating the talking drums and an elder is passing by, they beat his appellation and call him.
afunuafunuʔ(L) n.a lieAfunu wa ma alɛ. Tsufɛ, Bulu ɔbɛ́ɛ, afunupʋ bʋmɛ́ɛba mʋ iwie ogyikpa ɩnʋ. Telling lies is bad, because God says, liars will not come to his kingdom (heaven) there.Ɔhaa tamawa afunu dʋn Afuakebi Wurupong wulu anfɩtɔ.No-one tells lies more than Afuakebi in this Wurupong town.cfnnonyɔfalsehood3. a lieder.ofunupʋliarcomp.wa afunulie
afutuoafutúóFrom:Akanafutun.counsel; adviceHa mʋ afutuo, osi atɔ wi.Advise him to stop stealing.afutuo ɔhapʋcounselorcftɔɩ kplaadvisetu ɔfʋadvise3.3.3.7Warn3.
agooágôːinterj.1Anybody home? Equivalent to knocking on a door. used to get attention. of attention
agyaaʤainterj.My friend! (when he isn't)
agyɩnaaʤɪna(H) From:Akanagyinan.to whisperOmedekle ánɩ́ ɔhaa onu amʋ́ asʋn amʋtɔ sʋ a, olotu mʋ agyɩna. She didn't want anyone to hear so she whispered her advice.She isn't wanting that nobody he hears their matter, so she advised him in a whisper.cfnklobitɔmutter3. quietly
ahinlaahinlá(H) der. ofahin-lan.things that cause annoyance; teasing in such a way as to make someone angryAba ahinla bwɛ ma alɛ, tsufɛsɛ, ɩtɔpʋ ɩkɔ ba. Teasing each other is bad because it brings fighting.Amʋ́ aba ahinla bwɛ lapʋ ɩkɔ ba. Their annoying each other has brought fighting.
amandɩɛ1amandɪɛ(H) From:Akanamanɩɛn.news; tidingsƆfɔɔ amʋ ɔbɛɛ, mʋ amandɩɛ mɛ?What was the stranger's news?The stranger he said, what about his news?Ɔfɔɔ amʋ ɔbɛɛ, mʋ amandɩɛ nɩ? The stranger said that was his news.
amansʋamansʊn.news; mattersAmansʋ ntra blɩ?What else should I talk about?What other matters should I talk again?Q: Amansʋ bʋ ɩnʋ? A: Tsitsa kʋkʋ ma ɩnʋ.Q: What news is there (where you came from)? A: Nothing bad is there., message
anɩaa der. ofanɩ-sp. var. ofanɩ1-aaunspec. var. ofbɛɛv.we sayAnɩaa abɔ́yɔ tarɩ.We say we will go to the tarrying meeting.3.5.1Say
ankasankasader. ofankasaREDUP2adj.very particularly3.
ankasaaŋkásá(H)From:Akanankásáadj.particularlyMɩ yin ankasa mʋ bi.My true mother's child.Nɛbla fʋ asʋn amʋ ankasa.I will tell you the real matter.Nɛbla fʋ asʋn amʋ onuto.I will tell you the real matter.Synonuto 1self3. real
Asʋhompeiinasʊhompeĩːn.big ears (an insult); a mythical person with enormous ears9.7.1.1Personal names3., myth
atuuatûːinterj.Welcome!; a warm greetingBrɛa anɩlowie wulu amʋtɔ a, wulu amʋtɔ aha bʋmeyin anɩ tamɛ bɔhɔ anɩ atuu.When we got to the town, the people in the town didn't know us but the received us well.
ayɛayɛʔ(H)From:Akanayɛ1interj.ritual response to traditional prayer4., receive3.ɩ ansɩ dɛ ɔkʋ gyi a, ɔha amʋ ɔpʋ ɩlʋwa yi Bulu ayɛ.If someone is happy. That person especially should sing and praise God. comp. formyi ayɛpraise
bɛɛbɛ̂ːunspec. var.-aa-ɛɛv.to say somethingFɛɛ fɔ́yɔ biasʋ.You say you will go to market.Ɔbɛɛ, ɔbɔ́yɔ ntsutso.He says he will go to the water source.Mlɩaa mlɔ́yɔ sukuu. You(pl.) say you will go to school.Bɛɛ bɛ́ba ndɛ. They say they will come today.Nɛblɩ mbɛɛ, nɔ́yɔ ndɔ. I said, I say I will go to farm.Fɛblɩ fɛɛ fɔ́yɔ biasʋ.You said, you say you will go to market.Ɔlɛblɩ ɔbɛɛ ɔbɔ́yɔ ntsutso. He said he will go to the water source.Anɩlɛblɩ anɩaa abɔ́yɔ tarɩ. We said we will go to the prayer meeting.Mlɩaa mlɔ́yɔ sukuu. You(pl.) said you will go to school.Bɛblɩ bɛɛ bɛ́ba ndɛ. They said they will come today.anɩaa we sayAnɩaa abósum Bulu, mɛnɩ awu a, abénya nkpa ánɩ́ ɩtamata Bulu wa. We say we worship God, that should we die, we will get life that never ends in heaven.cfblɩ2speak3.5.1Sayph. v.kɩ bɛɛsee whether
blɩ2blɪ́v.to speakƆlɛblɩ ánɩ́ ɔbɛ́ba, saa ɔdɛ mɩ mlɛ; sʋ ɔmɛba.He said that he would come, unexpectedly he was deceiving me so he didn't come.Ɔha ánɩ́ ɔblɔ tɔkɔsɩ kɩta mʋ a, tɛblɩ asʋnkpan.A person who gets angry often, says evil words.blɩ mbɛɛ, nɔ́yɔ ndɔ.I said, I say I will go to farm.cfbɛɛsay3.5.1Saycomp.kpɛ mblɩirritateder.blɩbijoke
bla1blaʔ v.to tell someone somethingNkalɩ ɔdɛ fʋ bla? What is he telling you?Nkalɩ ɔlɛbla fʋ? What did he tell you?Bla mʋ, fɛɛ, ɔkɛ nɛ́ba, sʋ ɔkɩ mɩ ɔkpa. Tell him, say, Tomorrow I will come, so he should expect me.Mlɩbla mʋ mlɩaa, ɔkɛ nɛ́ba sʋ ɔkɩ mɩ ɔkpa. You(pl.) tell him I will come tomorrow so he should expect me.Mlɩbla mʋ mlɩaa, ɔkɛ mɛ́ɛba, sʋ ɔmakɩ mɩ ɔkpa. You(pl.) tell him I won't come tomorrow so he shouldn't expect me.3.5.1Say
blɩbiblɪbider. ofblɩ2-bin.a jokeNemli blɩbi dɩnka amʋ́ ɔnɔsʋ.People make sport of me.I have changed into a joke on their mouths.
bubu1bubu(H) n.express surprise by tapping the mouth while saying "Uuuuuuuuuu"; the resultant sound sounds like "bububububu"; occurs only with the verb daƆlɛda bubu tsufɛ asʋn amʋ lawa mʋ wanwan. He said "Bubububububu" because the matter surprised him. bubuexclaim
da ɩpancomp. ofda2ɩpanv.to thank someonedaɩpan.I thank you.
da bubucomp. ofda1 2bubu1v.express surprise/dismay by tapping the mouth while saying "Uuuuuuuuuu"
da ɔkancomp. ofda1 1ɔkanv.to beat gong-gong; to proclaim something3.ɔkan ɔdapʋtown crier
diindĩ́ːʔ (H) adv.quietSukuufɔ abi bʋdɛtɔɩ, benya wun amʋ́ atɔ osunapʋ alɩ a, bɔbwɛ diin. When school children are talking, as soon as they see the teacher they become quiet. nothing
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