Take oath

fiinfĩ́ːinterj.ritual declaration that it will surely not occur4.7.5.7Take oath
ka ntamka ntam From:Akanka ntamcomp. ofka3ntamv.to make an oathOwie pɔpwɛ amʋ ɛ ɔbɛ́ka ntam suna ahanden amʋ. The new chief also will swear an oath to the elders. oath4.6.1Ruler
ka X yabiká X yabi(H)id. ofka1 2ka3yabiv.to swear4.7.5.7Take oath
kasɛkásɛv.to swear4.7.5.7Take oath4.9.7.7Animism
ntamntam From:Akanka ntamn.oathOmankrado laka ntam ha Omanhene.Omankrado has sworn an oath to Paramount Chief.Owie pɔpwɛ amʋ ɛ ɔbɛ́ka ntam suna awie amʋ. The new chief also he will swear an oath in front of the chiefs.Mlɩmaka hwɩɩ ntam. Don't swear by anything.cfsuan sunaswear4.7.5.7Take oathcomp.Bulu Ntam PɔpwɛNew Testament
suan sunasuan suna ph. v. ofsuansuna 1v.to swearAhandɛn amʋ bɔ́wa awie amʋtɔ ɔkʋlɛ ánɩ́ oyosuan suna owie pɔpwɛ amʋ. The elders will send one of the chiefs to go and swear to the new chief.cfntamoath4.7.5.7Take oath
tsula ɩkɔt͡súlá ɪkɔ (H)v.to pledge a vow4.7.5.7Take oath
tʋn2tʊ̃́ʔ v.1to severely breach the lawNɩ owie ɔwa mbla, fɔtʋn mʋ́ a, ɔtɛbɩtɩ fʋ asʋ. If a chief should make a law and you break it, he punishes you.4.7.3Break the law2to break an oath; to forswear yourselfNɩ mɩ ɛ asʋn lɔtʋ fʋ, nɛsrɩ si fʋ a, nɛka nɔtʋn. As for me, if trouble comes to you and l run away and leave you, l have broken my oath. oath