Cooking methods

blɩ1blɪʔ (L) v.1to be hotcfɔpablɩsʋnoon8.3.4Hotcomp.atɔ ɔblɩpʋblacksmithblɩ ogyaheat2to be cookedNɩ atɔ amʋ blɩ a, swɩɩ mʋ́ yaɩ. When the thing is cooked take it off the fire.When the thing is cooked remove it (from the fire) and put it down.8.3.4Hot5.2.1.1Cooking methods3having powerful magicNɩ fɛblɩ dʋbɩ a, fɔ́hɔ. If you play with juju it will destroy you.If you cook (have strong juju) too much, you will burn.
1bɔ́From:Akanv.1rendercomp.bɔ mbɔdɩtrybɔ mpaɩprayph. v.bɔ ɩpahire someonebɔ ntintastumbling2to prepare some kinds of foods dabluncook dablun soup ampesiecook yam slices5.2.1.1Cooking methods
bwabʷav.to fry in oilƆdɛ iye bwa.She is frying fish. methods
dɔkʋnʋdɔkʊ́nʊ́n.kenkey; fermented maizemealBʋtɔpʋ kpoli nɩna dɔkʋnʋ.They use maize to cook kenkey.Pɩm kpoli amʋ apʋbwɛ dɔkʋnʋ fututu.Pound the maize so that we can make white kenkey. in mortar and pestle5.2.3.4Prepared food5.2.1.1Cooking methods
gyokpoʤok͡póFrom:Ewegyokpoadj.cooked in the skinƖnʋ ɛ a, mankani gyokpo bɛha mʋ.There too, they gave him the cocoyam head. shell, skin5.2.1.1Cooking methods
kimkimʔn.cooked blood2.2.5Bleed, blood5.2.1.1Cooking methods
nɩnanɪ́ná v.to cook somethingOgya lɔtsʋn mɩ agbodi ndɔ amʋtɔ, sʋ mɩ agbodi amʋ lanina. Fire passed through my cassava farm so my cassava has cooked.Alanɩna blɔdɩ pɛpɛ. She has cooked (boiled) ripe plantain. methodsder.ɔnɩnapʋcook
ŋɛsɩ1ŋɛ́sɪ̂ʔ(L) n.1fine sand from a specific kind of stoneBʋtɔpʋ ŋɛsɩ bwa atɔ. They use fine sand for roasting things.cfɩsɩdirtosublusand1.2.2.2Rock5.2.1.1Cooking methods2a soft stone that is ground and used to clean calabashes1.2.2.2Rock
otsugyaot͡suʤáʔn.hot waterAha kʋ bʋtekle otsugya bie lɩlɩtɔ dʋn otsulu, tsufɛ nsaɩtɔ tolwii.Some people like to bath hot water in the harmattan season than cold water because the weather becomes cold.cfntsu 1waterogya 1fire1.3Water5.2.2.7Drink8.3.4Hot5.6.2Bathe5.2.1.1Cooking methods
pi v.to thickenKoko amʋ lapi dʋbɩ, sʋ wa ntsu kpalobi mʋ́tɔ. The porridge has thickened too much so put a little water in it.Oputsu pihɛ bʋ ampesie agyilɛ.Thick soup is good for eating slice.Antɔblɩnthin1.2.3.1Liquid5.2.1.1Cooking methods
pla2pla(H) v.1stir somethingPla nfuo amʋ wa ntsu amʋtɔ. Stir the flour into the water.Ɔlɛpla oputsu amʋtɔ.He stirred the soup.Pla oputsu amʋtɔ, ha mɩ.Stir the soup for me.Kokoli, pla aboun amʋtɔ ha mɩ.Please, stir the stew for me.Kokoli pla oputsu amʋtɔ ha mɩ mɛnɩ ɩmɔ́ɔhɔ.Please stir the soup for me so that it will not burn. in food preparation2row in the waterBʋtɔpʋ ɔtabʋ pla ntsu. They row in the water with paddles.6.4.5Fishing3to prepare fufu5.2.1.1Cooking methods
swɩɩsʷɪ̌ː v.1to lower something from someone's headMɩ atɔsʋrahɛ bʋ odwiin dʋbɩ. Ba bɔswɩɩ mɩ.My load is very heavy. Come unload it for me.cf1 4take7.2.2.5Move down4.4.4.7Relief2to remove from a cooking fireAtɔ amʋ lablɩ sʋ swɩɩ mʋ́ ha mɩ. The things have become hot so remove them from the fire for me. methods3to grab or seize something by forceMaswɩɩ nyebi amʋ atogyi. Don't take the children's things from them and eat them. something from somewhere4to lodge overnightƆkʋ dɛtsʋn ɔyɔ Krachi, owí lata wa mʋ nfɩ sʋ, alaswɩɩ mɩ. Someone is passing through to Kete Krachi. The sun has finished (nightfall came) on him here so he has stayed overnight with me. hospitality7.2.4Travel5to deny falsely3.5.2.4Admit3. a lie
1tɔ́ʔ(H) v.1cook over open fireNdɛ blɔdɩ pɛpɛ sʋ damli mʋ́ ha mɩ. I am roasting ripe plantain so turn it for me.Ɔdɛ bodobodo obun amʋ. He is baking bread in the oven. methodscomp.agyawunu ɔtɔpʋcharcoal makerder.tɔhɛroastedIdiom:tɔ ɩklʋngrieved2inform on someone; to tattle onMɩ ba agyuma ɔyɔpʋ amʋ la mɩ ha anɩ ɔhandɛ.My co-worker has reported me to our senior man.Fapʋ mɩ ya ɔ.You have informed on me. die (Euphemism)2.6.6Die
tɔhɛder. of1 1-hɛadj.something roasted5.2.1.1Cooking methods