akudaakuda(H)pl.nkudaFrom:Akanakudan.house on the farm; out of townNda akuda, sʋ mɩ ndɔtɔ agyʋma tɔwa mɩ ɔsa.Because I sleep at my village I can get my farm work done quickly.I sleep at (my) village so my farm work always goes quickly for me.cfibuhut6.5.1.2Types of housescomp.da akudastay on farm
akudasɩakudasɪn.a small townNɩ fʋda akudasɩ tamɛ fʋtamayɔ ndɔtɔ agyuma a, fʋmɛ́ɛdɛ tɔtɔ bwɛ.If you are in the village, but you are not farming, you are doing nothing.cfnkudasɩfɔfarm people6.5.1.2Types of houses
da3dáʔv.1to plant a root vegetableda igyoplant yamMɩ atɔ dahɛ amʋ lada ɔbaan.My planted root vegetables have grown shoots.da kɩtɩbaplant groundnutsda mankaniplant cocoyamda sapʋradaplant onionOyin amʋ tɛda igyo tsɔtsɔɔtsɔ.The man always plants many yams. rootscomp.atɔdabɩplanting time2to sprout somethingOyin tamada anyɔpʋ.A man never has (grows) breasts.Mɩ atɔ dahɛ amʋ lada ɔbaan.My root vegetables have grown shoots.ɔ ladagrow boil3build or make with temporary materialsBɛɛ abégyi nkɛ amʋ dɩnsʋ sʋ a, ayɛda kantankpa aba.They say we will make a festive occasion at Denso, so we are going to erect a palm shelter and come.Nada ibu mɩ ndɔtɔ.I put up a hut on my farm.Nɔ́yɔ kpa awaimbi da kakaʋ pʋ tin mɩ gyadɩ.I will go strip palm branches and make a palm branch mat and block my kitchen door with.da oputsumake soup6.5.1Building
gyi ɩban wa ʤi ɪbã wacomp. ofgyi22ɩbanwa21v.1to fence somethingGyi ɩban wa aflawasɩ amʋ tsufɛ mbwɩ dɛ mʋ́ wɩ.Fence the flowers because the animals are eating them., wall2to protect someone or something4.4.4.5Protect
ɩbanɪbã (H)contr.bann.fenceIgye, negyi ban wa flawasɩ amʋ.Yesterday, I made a fence around the flowers., wallcomp.gyi ɩban waprotectɩbantɔ ɩfabathroom plant/wife
ɩdan2ɪdã̂(L)pl.ndann.a way of storing certain harvested items, maize, beans, yam, water yamKpoli ɩdan igyi aku anyɔ. Gyankpapʋ a, fókwi nyi yi. Fówun faklɩ ntan manta mʋ́ sʋ, da fʋ kpoli akpʋn sian mʋ́ sʋ.There are two kinds of maize storage. For the first you set up poles and tie crossbars between them and hang the maize from them.Nyɔɔsɩ gyi: Fɔ́pʋ abotodua bwɛ mʋ́. Fówun fatrɛ kpoli amʋ mʋ́ sʋ.The second kind: You use bamboo to make it. You arrange the maize on it (usually in a circular pile).cfɩfa2shelterɔdankpastorage facility6.5.1.2Types of houses6.2.6.4Store the harvest
kantankpakantaŋ͡mk͡pan.shelter made from bamboo and palm branches used for gatheringsBɛɛ abégyi nkɛ amʋ dɩnsʋ sʋ a, ayɛda kantankpa aba.They say we will make a festive occasion at Denso, so we are going to erect a palm shelter and come.cfpatashed6.5.1.2Types of houses
mmuatsemːuát͡sedial. var.mmuaSunspec. var.imuatsen.back of the houseFʋ mmuatse labʋla.Your backyard is bushy.Nyankpʋ tswie brɛ a, aha mmuatse tɛbla ɔsasʋ.In rainy season people's backyards quickly get full of weeds.
obu2obu (H)pl.mbun.buildingBeyi sukuu obu amʋ manta asɔrɩ obu amʋ.They built a school building next to the church building.mbwɩ obu, abatɛ obunanimal pen, hen coopcfibuhut6.5.1Buildingcomp.obu ɔdɩpʋprisonertati obutentph. v.nya obu amʋ mantaclose door partially
ɔdankpaɔdaŋ͡mk͡pan.storage table for storing harvestNɩ ɔkʋ medekle ánɩ́ ɔbɔ́bwɛ ɩfa a, ɔbɔ́pʋ botodua bwɛ ɔdankpa. Fówun alapʋ mʋ igyo aná dɩnka mʋ́sʋ.If someone does not want to build a yam barn, he will make a bamboo table so that he can put the yam on it.cfɩdan2storage6.5.1.2Types of houses6.2.6.4Store the harvest
ɔdɔtɔpʋɔdɔtɔpʊpl.adɔtɔpʋder. ofdɔ12-tɔ 2ɔ- -pʋn.farmerTsia gyo anɩ Wie Yesu Kristo ɩbá, fɛ alɩa ɔdɔtɔpʋ tenya ɩklʋn tsia gyo nyankpʋ amʋ.Wait for our Lord Jesus Christ's coming like a farmer waits patiently for rain.Nɩ nyankpʋ mɛdɛ tswie a, ɩtɛha adɔtɔpʋ wankaan.If it is not raining it disturbs farmers well.cfndɔfarmɔdɔpʋfarm worker6.5.1.3Land, property6.2.1Growing crops
ɔkpʋnɔɔk͡pʊnɔ́n.yard immediately outside the houseBɛdalɩ woyitɔ yɔ ɔkpʋnɔ bʋdɛkɔ.They went out of the house into the front yard to fight.
patapatápl.apataFrom:Akanpatan.shedAbabegyi nkɛ, sʋ abɛ́da apata mɛnɩ aha bétsia mʋ́ ayasɩ. Fówun owí mɔtɔ amʋ́.We are coming to have a festival, so we will make sheds in order that people will sit under it. So that the sun will not burn them.cfkantankpashelter6.5.1.2Types of houses
woyiwóyín.home; hometownOyin amʋ ɔyɔ woyi.The man has gone to his home town.Yaw bʋ woyi, ɔmɔkʋ tu ɔkpa.Yaw is at home, he has not travelled. mʋ́ wiehouseholderwoyi ɔnɔentrancecomp.woyitɔhouse