Weaving baskets and mats

bakabakán.a basketScfblawunubasketlakpabasket6.6.4.2Weaving baskets and mats6.7.3Carrying tool
kakaʋkakaʊ (H) n.stiff mat made from stripped palm branchesNɔ́yɔ kpa awaimbi da kakaʋ pʋ tin mɩ gyadɩ. I will go strip palm branches and make a palm branch mat and block my kitchen door with. baskets and mats6.5.2.1Wall
lakpalak͡pá pl.alakpan.a basket; Northern dialect.NBʋtɔpʋ lakpa sʋra atɔ.They use baskets for carrying things.Mlɩtsu lakpa; abɔ́pʋ sʋra atɔ ba woyitɔ. You(pl.) bring a basket; we will carry things to the house.cfbakabasketblawunubasket6.6.4.2Weaving baskets and mats6.7.3Carrying tool
ɔfɛsɩ mblacomp. ofɔfɛsɩ 1mbla2n.the green leaf material surrounding the small sticks used in making broomsNɩ mlɔmɔ mʋ́ ɔnɔ a, mlɩ kpa ɔfɛsɩ mbla amʋ lɛ woyitɔ tsitsa.If you(pl.) finish, collect the leaves left over from your broom making. Take them from the house and throw them away. baskets and mats6.2.1.7Growing trees