
fɩnfɪ̃ʔv.to stamp something into the groundBafɩn oyi amʋ yi pʋkɩta brɔdɩ amʋʋ ɩdebia amʋ.They have stamped the stick to support the plantain that is falling down. a part of the body7.7.3Kick
fuli kpayiph. v. offuli3kpayi 1ph. v. ofkpa1yi1v.to jump7.
kɛklɛ2kɛ́klɛ̂ʔ(H)v.to show off or strutMɩ nyawie bʋ akrakun yinhɛ, ɔtɛkɛklɛ. A certain friend of mine has turkeys. The turkey cock always struts. off7.2.1.1Walk3.
mpabʋampabʊaFrom:Akanmpabwan.sandalsWa fʋ mpabʋa amʋ, tsufɛsɛ nsaɩntɔ lablɩ ogya. Fɔ́lɔ. Put on your sandals, the weather is hot, you will get sick.cfntʋkʋtashoes7.2.1.1Walk5.3Clothing5.3.4Clothes for special occasions
na1na v.1to move using normal means of propulsionObubwi na afutɔ.Birds fly in the sky. walkAtapʋ amʋ bʋ na amʋ́ ɔkpa sʋ. The hunters are walking on this path. (Perhaps you see their light on the mountain at night).Tsʋn ɔtɩnɛ amʋ nna amʋ. Pass the place I am walking.Kebi amʋ na.The child is walking.cffʋnaaRESPONSE7.2.1.1Walk3to follow a certain courseSɩmpʋa na ɔtsan ha kɛklɛ.Cow boils have different symptoms than boils.Ntsu amʋ ɩna ɩbʋ amʋ abɩntɔ.The stream passes beside the hill., sequence8.4.7Continue, perseverecomp.ɩna X sʋbecause
natɩ2natɪ́v.walk; goNɛ́natɩ ayabitɔ yɔ Bumbula ɔkɛ. I will walk (go on foot) to Bumbula tomorrow.Nɛbla kebi amʋ ánɩ́ ɔkʋsʋ natɩ ba. I told the child that he should get up and walk and come.Ɔtɛnatɩ nkoklobitɔ.He always walks in corners (takes the back way).Nɩ mlɩnatɩ a, abɛ́kaɩn mlɩsʋ.When you go we will miss you.Kebi amʋ tamanatɩ tamɛ ɔtɔwɔlɩ. The child doesn't walk, but he crawls.
ntʋkʋtantʊkʊta(H) n.footwearntʋkʋta latɩtɩ, nɔ́pʋ ya ntʋkʋta ɔlapʋ ɔbɩn mʋ́ ha mɩ. My sandals have torn, I will take them to the cobbler to have him sew them for me.cfmpabʋasandals5.3.2Women's clothing7.2.1.1Walk5.3.1Men's clothing
nyanka1ɲaŋkáv.1to be crooked or out of alignmentKɛklɛ lada mʋ ɔkponkposʋ, sʋ alatsia nyanka.He has a boil on his buttocks, so he sat crookedly. walk in a mincing manner7.2.1.1Walk3.
nyanyankader. ofnyanka1 2REDUP2v.to walk in a mincing mannerƆha amʋ na ɔdɛ ɩbɩ nyanyanka. When the person walks, she is setting her hands in a mincing manner.
ɔsrɩɔsrɪ́n.nominal form of to runcfsrɩrun7.
ɔsrɩpʋɔsrɪ́pʊ́pl.asrɩpʋder. ofsrɩɔ- -pʋn.runnerAsrɩpʋ amʋtɔ fɛ́ɛ́ a, ɔsrɩpʋ ɔkʋlɛ pɛ lenya atokiehɛ.Among the runners, only one runner had an award.Asrɩpʋ amʋ lasrɩ alɩɩ nya kɔba pʋ yi woyi.The runner has run until he has got money to build a house.
pɛtɩpɛ́tɪ́ v.to walk slowly and with cautionƆlɛpɛtɩ tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ. He walked very stealthily.Nɩ fʋ méeyin pɛtɩ a, fʋmɛ́ɛtalɩ fɩnɩ.If you don't know how to sneak, you can't hunt.Rut lɛpɛtɩ yobwii tati amʋʋ ibun Boas ɩwɩ amʋ. Ɔlɛklɛdɩ mʋ ayabi asɩ.Ruth sneaked up and opened the cloth that covered Boaz. She lay down at his feet.cftsɛ3 1stealthily7.2.6.3Escape4.
putapútá v.1to come in close contactMmotsu bɛnsɩ sʋ a, nɛlata atɔ amʋ puta. I didn't bring a head pan so I carried the things in my arms.Igye ɔlɛlata kebi amʋ puta.He embraced the child yesterday.cflata2embrace7.3.4.4Hold4.1.8Show affection2to rely on someoneOtoputa mɩ. He always leans on me,He always comes to me for what he needs.Bʋtoputa mɩ. They rely on me.7.1.6Lean4.3.5.3Reliable3to crawl on someoneNtɔntrɔbwɩ bʋ gyi mbwɩ ánɩ́ bʋtamadun, mboun bʋtoputa aha.Ntɔntrɔbwɩ are animals that don't bite but crawl all over people. movement7.2.1.1Walk4to crowd around someone4.2.1.7Crowd, group
srɩsrɪ́ v.to runBʋ dɛ sɩsrɩ kɩ bɛɛ ma obégyi ɩsʋ.They are racing to see who will win.Konkombafɔ basrɩ sa tsu dimbisʋ ba Hohoe. Konkombas ran away from war (as refugees) from North (of Ghana) to Hohoe.Sukuufɔ abi amʋ basrɩ dalɩ sukuu obuto tsufɛsɛ bawun ɩwɔ. The schoolchildren have run out of the school house because they have seen a snake.Owikplu amʋ lawi tɔkʋ ɔsrɩ. The thief has stolen something and is running.cfɔsrɩrace7.ɔsrɩpʋrunner
tsa2t͡sáʔv.to step on somethingKebi amʋ tɛtsa ogyasʋ dʋbɩ.The child steps on fire too much. afinfi mɔ
tsatsat͡sát͡sâʔ) Lcomp. oftsa2REDUP1v.to trample something7.2.1.1Walk7.7.3Kick
tsankɩt͡sã́ŋkɪ́v.1spread, as fire or diseas;eOyin ɔkʋ lawa ogya, ɩlatsankɩ wie aha ndɔtɔ.A certain man has set fire and it has spread into people's farm.5.5.4Burn7.5.7Multiple things moving2.5.2Disease2jump from tree to tree7.
tsɛ3t͡sɛ́ʔ adv.1to walk stealthilyƆlɛpɛtɩ tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ bɔtsʋn. He walked very slowly to pass (so that he wouldn't be heard).Ɔlɛpɛtɩ tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ-tsɛ. He walked very stealthily.cfpɛtɩsneak6.4.1.1Track an animal7.2.1.1Walk2to walk with a scuffling sound (said quickly) with difficulty
tutu3tútûːder. oftu2 2REDUP1v.jump repetitivelyNowun gyongyo ɔkʋ detutu mmua nfɩ. I saw a toad jumping at the back here.
wɔlɩ2wɔ́lɪ́ v.to crawl on all foursKebi amʋ tamanatɩ tamɛ ɔtɔwɔlɩ. The child doesn't walk, but he crawls.