7.5.1. Gather

da ɔbʋncomp. ofda2ɔbʋn2v.gather around to pay close attention to3.1.2.3Attention7.5.1Gather
da saɩndásã́ɪ̃́ph. v. ofda4 1saɩnv.to scatterAha amʋʋ bʋbʋ biasʋ amʋ a, nyankpʋ amʋ lenya ɔba alɩ a, amʋ́ fɛ́ɛ́ bɛda saɩn. The people in the market scattered because the rain was coming., scatter
2v.1to holdMʋ bɩ , sʋ ɔbwɛ ta ɔbɛ́ba. His hand is holding (he is busy) so when he finishes he will come. be involved withAsʋn amʋ mɩ ɛ.The case concerns me too. aye asʋn a, aye tɛba.If you talk about a case, a similar case will occurIf you hold a meat case, meat will come. about, subject7.5.1.2Include3to be ill in a certain placeQ: Fʋ nkʋnʋ fʋ? A: Mɩ ɔmɛ́ɛtɔ mɩ. Ɩ mɩ ki.Where is it troubling you? My stomach. It is making me nauseated.2.5.1Sick
kpa2k͡páʔ v.1to gather something togetherKpa ipi amʋ tsitsa. Gather the rubbish and throw it away.cfkʋlacollecttɔsɩ1pick uptsu1pick7.5.1Gatherph. v.kpa tɩagather2to push something togetherKpa ɔda sun. Sit with chin in your hand. spring a trapYibi amʋ lakpa. Ɔma iteyinki Things return to what they were before.The trap has sprung. It returns back.6.4.2Trap4to lead someone somewhereKpa mʋ ya! Take him away!Lead him there.akufa ɔkpashepherdcfyasend7.2.5.3Guide4.5.3.1Lead5to rub something on something elseƆlɔpʋ ofobi kpa mʋ ɩbɩ sʋ. She applied pomade to her arm.cfkpita 2rub7.7.5Rubder.kpakpa2rub6to fadeTati pɛpɛ lakpa bwɛ fututu. The red cloth has faded to white. become clear or light8.3.3.1Shine2.3.1.6Transparentph. v.kpa ogyasparkle8to take off (cloth); to take off a (man's) cloth.Kpa tati.5.3.7Wear clothing9to remove something; flay skinFʋ bi ɔkɔ dinka fʋ obiansʋ a, bʋtamapʋ ɔdayi ka mʋ́. Mpʋsa bʋtɔpʋ kpa mʋ́.Don't be harsh with / over-react to someone under your care; Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.If your child defecates on your thigh, don't cut it off with a knife. A sponge is what you use to remove it. something from somewhere5. shell, skin8.5.3.1Absentcomp.kpa nwunshave headɔwʋlʋ-kpakpaleather
kpa tɩak͡pá tɪ́áph. v. ofkpa2 1tɩa 1v.to gather (a liquid) in a placeObugya lɛkpa tɩa.A blood blister formed.Ntsú lɛkpa tɩa.Tears gathered in the eyes.7.5.1Gathercomp.ntsú lɛkpa tɩatears gather
kʋlakʊ́lá v.to collect somethingkʋla ngyatin sun. They gathered firewood together.cfkpa2 1gathertɔsɩ1pick up5.5.6Fuel6.2.5.3Gather wild plants7.5.1Gather
maɩn abasʋmáɪ̃́ abasʊcomp. ofmaɩn 2aba1-sʋv.to separate from one another7.5.1.1Separate, scatter
maɩnmáɪ̃́ʔ v.1remove something sticking to something else; e.g. bark of a tree; also to husk maizeIgye nɛmaɩn plasta amʋ a, ɔlɔ amʋ lata. Yesterday I removed the bandage, the sore has finished.Maɩn ɔwʋlʋ amʋʋ nɔpʋ manta buntisʋ amʋ ba mɩ.Remove the paper I stuck on the wall, that one, and bring it to me.Mahɔ bodobodo kahɛ, mboun hɔ maɩnhɛ ba mɩ. Don't buy the cut bread, instead buy buns.Mɩ kpoli lafuli. Nɛyɛmaɩn mʋ́ bɔwa ɔtsabitɔ.My maize is ripe. I am going to husk it and put it into the shelf above the hearth.cfflɔɩ 1peelpɩɛɩscrapesre 1carvesre 3peel7.5.2.4Remove, take apartcomp.bodobodo maɩnhɛbuns2to separate into groups7.5.1.1Separate, scattercomp.maɩn abasʋseparate
nɛ́v.to part something7.5.1.1Separate, scatter
pɔɔnpɔ̃ː From:Akanpɔɔnv.to close a meetingSukuufɔ abi amʋ bapɔɔn sukuu. The school children have closed from school.Anɩ tɔpɔɔn agyumatɔ dɔnatɔ.We closed from work at four o'clock., scatter
tsukʋlɛt͡sukʊlɛʔ(L) expansionitsukʋlɛcomp. oftsu2 1ɩkʋlɛn.1in one placeFoblufo wʋlɩ tsukʋlɛ a, mʋ́ ɩtɛlɩn afu.If you concentrate your efforts, you will get results.If you urinate in one place it makes bubbles.Pʋ atɔ amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ yaɩ tsukʋlɛ. Put all the things in one place.7.5.1Gathercomp.tsukʋlɛ osinpʋinvalid2to be in unityAnɩ fɛ́ɛ́ anɩbʋ tsukʋlɛ. We are all agreed.Anɩa mʋ nyɔ fɛ́ɛ́ bʋ tsukʋlɛ. We and he all are at one place.4.1.5Unity3.2.5.4Agree with someonecomp.lɩɩ tsukʋlɛconsistent
tsʋnkɩt͡sʊŋkɪ́v.to collect everything from a certain placeOyin ɔkʋ lɔtsʋnkɩ mɩ igyo fɛ́ɛ́ lɛ mɩ ndɔtɔ, ɩnɩsʋ ansɩ mɛdɛ mɩ gyi kʋraa.A certain man collected all my yams from my farm, so I am not happy at all. wild plants7.5.1Gather8.1.5All
yɩrakayɪ́rákav.scatter and spread outNfɔ amʋʋ letsitsa amʋ a, layɩraka wa ɩnʋ fɛ́ɛ́.The oil which poured out. has spread all over there.Akonya bayɩraka wa woyitɔ ɩnʋ fɛ́ɛ́.Driver ants have spread all over the house there., scatter