7.8.2. Crack

ba2báʔ v.to split; to crackLɩlɩtɔ mɩ onopi lɛba. In harmattan my lip cracked.Nɩ fʋdɛ ngya ba, fʋmɛkɩ wanklaan pɛ, fapʋ ɔfɛ bangya amʋ kun wɩ.If you are splitting firewood, and you are not careful, you cut yourself with the axe.Ɔtɩnɛ ánɩ́ ntsu tɛtɩa a, nɩ lɩlɩ dɛlɩn a, ɔsʋlʋ amʋ tɛbaba.Swampy ground cracks in the dry season.The place that water stands, when harmattan comes the ground cracks.cfhalacrack7.8.2Crackder.baba2cracks
baba2babâʔ der. ofba2REDUP1v.to crack all overƆtɩnɛ ánɩ́ ntsu tɛtɩa a, nɩ lɩlɩ dɛlɩn a, ɔsʋlʋ amʋ tɛbaba. Where water gathers, when harmattan comes, the ground cracks all over.7.8.2Crack
bɔɩbɔ́ɪ́v.1splitBɔɩ botodua amʋtɔ ha mɩ, ampʋ gyi ɩban.Split the bamboo for me so that I can take it and make a fence.7.8.2Crackder.bɔbɔɩsplit2to operate on someone2.5.7Treat disease
halahala v.to crack, as in a wall, glass, eggBunti lahala. Wʋlʋ gyon ɔfɛsɩsʋ The wall has cracked. Tsetse fly is perched on the broom.We are being overheard.cfba2split7.8.2Crack8.