Cardinal numbers

abanyɔabaɲɔ́der. ofaba-anyɔn.two peopleabanyɔ natɩ bʋ alɛ, tsufɛ bʋtɔtɔɩ kpla aba.If two people are walking it is good, because they advise each other.2Person8.
abasaabasáder. ofaba-asa2n.three people2Person8.
adukwebaadukʷebácard. num.ninetyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
aduesienɔaduesienɔ́card. num.seventyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
aduesieaduesie(H)card. num.sixtyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
aduenuaduenu(H)card. num.fiftyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
adʋanaadʊana(H)card. num.fortyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
adukweadukʷe(H)card. num.eightyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
adʋasaadʊasa(H)card. num.thirtyIdu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
adʋanyɔadaɲɔ(H) card. num.twentyNɩ fʋdɛ atɔ kla a, fɛ́dalɩ dukweba a, fɔ́yɔ adʋanyɔ. When you are counting something, you will leave nineteen, you will go to twenty.Idu, adʋanyɔ, adʋasa, adʋana, aduenu, aduesie, aduesienɔ, adukwe, adukweba, lafa.Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred. numbers
anaana(H)unspec. var.-nnafournnacard. num.foursp. var.na28.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
anuanu(H)unspec. var.-nnunnucard. num.five8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
anyɔaɲɔ(H)sp. var.nyɔ2-nyɔ1unspec. var.nnyɔcard. num.twocf-nyɔ2two8.1.1.1Cardinal numberscomp.atɔkʋ anyɔtwo thingsunspec. comp. formata anyɔk. o. plantaincomp.nnonyɔfalsehood
asa2asa(H)sp. var.nsasa2card. num.threecf-nsathree8.1.1.1Cardinal numberscomp.tsesathree times
asie1asie (H)sp. var.nsie-nsiecard. num.six8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
asienɔasienɔ́ (H)card. num.seven8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
atɔkʋ anyɔcomp. oftɔkʋanyɔn.two thingscfɔlɔkʋsomeone9.1.3Thing8.
blɩba2blɪba(H)pl.ablɩba2n.millionAtɔ amʋ anɩ lɔhɔ amʋ fɛ́ɛ́ igyi sidi blɩba kʋlɛ mʋ́a ɩfʋn pɛ.The whole thing that we bought is one and half million cedis only. numbers
duanyɔdúaɲɔcard. num.twelve8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
duanadúanacard. num.fourteen8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
dukwedúkʷen.eighteen8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
iduidúʔpl.aducontr.du2card. num.ten8.1.1.1Cardinal numberscomp.awundu blanwɛnIdiom:tse-du tse-lafa
iduɔkʋnidúɔ́kʊ̃card. num.eleven8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
ikweikʷe card. num.eightNɩ fɛdalɩ tsu asienɔ a, fɔyɔ ikwe. Seven comes before eightWhen you leave seven you are going to eight. numbers
ikwebaikʷebáʔcontr.kwebacard. num.nine8.1.1.1Cardinal numbers
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